Now that the dust has settled(hopefully) what does Veeky Forums thinks about God preferably the christian one but feel...

Now that the dust has settled(hopefully) what does Veeky Forums thinks about God preferably the christian one but feel free to discuss whatever God you want to.

Religion is fascinating. I do not like Abrahamic religions. The dualism, the human exceptionalism, its static nature of reality etc. Some of the Christian ethics are okay.

I am currently reading about Aztec metaphysics, and what they think is closer to how I see the world: ever changing reality, destruction and creation, becoming etc.

Since I am atheist I cannot believe in the supernatural, but religions have ethics, philosophy and worldviews that I might endorse.

Another thing I lack with the Abrahamic God is imperfection and bad luck.

I meant to say that I can't find imperfection and bad luck within the Abrahamic God. Lucifer by the way is also interesting. Except for edgelords into Satanism.

The book Memnoc the Devil paints my favorite version of Lucifer.

What can any of us say about God? How many of us know Him?

Nothing really.

>the christian one
The "christian god" is God.

please explain



>The "christian god" is God
>Yahweh you mean

>what does Veeky Forums thinks about God preferably the christian one

It legitimately mystifies me how people don't see the conception of God (and all related beliefs, traditions, and rituals) through an anthropological frame of reference, and realizing that their God is only one among thousands worshiped by humans since time immemorial. I'll just leave it at that.

Same here, that's why I rarely talk about religion with people.

>yfw Jesus gave up his weekend for us

>while Judas gave up his eternal soul for us

It's really only present in Christianity because Jesus (and therefore God) is supposed to be personally relatable. It's why so many Christians say they "have a relationship with Christ." So they don't want to see God as a progenitor of any evil hence the need for the devil and conflict. Honestly it probably comes from early exchange with Manichaeism.

>Abrahamic God
Judaism is way more vague about a devil. With Islam you have shaytan but he has no power over God or men.

"And verily We have raised in every nation a messenger, (proclaiming): Serve Allah and shun false gods. Then some of them (there were) whom Allah guided, and some of them (there were) upon whom error had just hold. Do but travel in the land and see the nature of the consequence for the deniers!"
>Quran 16:36

General Islamic view is that everyone worships the same god but over time they deviated from God and put partners up with him (polytheism), or worshiped his messengers (christianity), or just straight up worshiping idols.

>General Islamic view is that everyone worships the same god but over time they deviated from God and put partners up with him (polytheism), or worshiped his messengers (christianity), or just straight up worshiping idols.

This can only be applied if you also view the world through a strictly creationist mindset, though. It doesn't do anything to explain the fact that human spirituality goes back tens if not hundreds of thousands of years, and only very recently became monotheistic - let alone how incredibly different human beliefs have always been from each other.

God isn't real. Religions as philosophies are ok though.

>God isn't real

>proving a negative

I know Him, and He knows me.

Yes. Jesus is YHWH.

>General Islamic view

Following Mohammad into hellfire is not smart.

Yea, I agree I think Aztec religión is fascinating. It's a shame so much of Aztec philosophy was destroyed during the conquest. I've read that the Aztecs had no Gods, and what we translate as God: teotl doesn't actually mean that. And teotl itself is untranslatable to english.

>Anime isn't real

>declaring something unproven a negative

Exodus 3:14

Yes, God Almighty.

Why should I listen to you?

>I know Him


>He knows me

That's a given.

I know Him and he knows us.

God exists, but, with the current human knowledge, it is impossible to determine his true identity. That's all there's to it.

Because his fanfiction meme story still has more grounding in reality than yours.

Is there really some sort of afterlife? Do dogs go there? Will I see my dogs if so?

God does not exist, because we haven't created him yet.

Unlike most of my Protestant contemporaries, I acknowledge the fact that I might be wrong and I've come to terms with that.

Teotl is a continually, dynamic, vivifying, self-generating and self-regenerating sacred power, force, or energy. Teotl is reality.


It's not, actually.

Matthew 7:23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

For God to know you, His Holy Spirit must live in you. You must have oil in your lamp, oil being the Holy Spirit, and the lamp being your body.

And the awesome thing is I don't need to tell you about Jesus because we both know the same person.

Jeremiah 31
But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. No more shall every man teach his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the Lord. For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more.”