Mtf fashion thread

Mtf fashion thread

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;_; I just want to pass and learn how to dress well as a lady


Do you like grills? Dress like the ones you find attractive.

Like guys? Literally just have a good body/face and you might as well wear tracksuits, because we hardly care, as long as you look good under them.

Now fuck off with your victim complex. Nobody cares.

i feel so bad for my trans friends desu.
it must be fucking upsetting living with constant body image problems and so many people staring at you/wanting to ask questions. coming out takes a courage that i don't think i have.

Especially with "genderqueer" people constantly stealing the fucking conversation away from them

Yeah it's no fun. Trying my best to make some progress tho.


yeah, that too. tumblr shitheads have bastardized the legitimacy of being transgender and it sucks - all these teenagers trying out new labels like "agender", "genderfluid", "non-binary" etc etc..

Be proud of who you are, user

I don't. Especially MtF

You think you get to be a woman when you had that male privilege your whole life? You think dressing up real pretty is being a woman?

What bravery? Pretending isn't brave
People are starving to death and fighting in civil wars.

This isn't brave. It's self indulgent. It's stupid. It's inane.

My identity isn't a costume for you to try on because you feel like it


this is actually really sad :(

Don't fall for their mentally ill tricks

>turn yourself into a woman
>still sexually pursue women

What MTFs should do is immigrate to foreign countries. White ones should go to Iran. Asian ones go to Anglosphere. Blacks ones? I don't know.

>What MTFs should do is immigrate to foreign countries. White ones should go to Iran.
Trying to get them killed?

You only get killed in Iran for being a homo man. They pretend trannies aren't men and actually encourage homos to become MTF.

Sometimes I forget /pol/ isn't the entirety of Veeky Forums, and I forget about weird shit like this

>coming out is hard

dont then. every human being on planet earth has body issues and wishes they looked a bit different to varying degrees

how is wishing you were a girl different from wish you had a six pack or wishing you were taller etc etc

dont turn yourself into a science experiment because communist faggots told you it was normal

MtFs should go to places like the Netherlands where they're less likely to be freakishly tall

smells like TERF