Veeky Forumsstest way to lose weight, go

Veeky Forumsstest way to lose weight, go

not eating

uhh, now how do you keep it off

never eat again

eat less and exercise till you die

Continue to eat less

I used to eat very little and exercise a lot and i lost 40 pounds in two months, but I think it like permanently thinned out my hair

are you a male?


750mg dnp ED
1h cardio ED
1000 calories ED
strength training 3x/week, if you don't have gym membership just check some bodyweight stuff on youtube

take the dnp with food in the morning otherwise you will puke, you also don't want to take it before bed because you don't want to die in your sleep of hyperglycemia (low blood sugar), don't forget to drink a lot of water at least 3L and have a serving of vegetables and fruit each day

>more than 1000 calories deficit every day
>strength training 3x a week on said 1000 calories
>1 hour of cardio on top of eating only 1000 calories
surefire way to die and if you somehow miraculously survive have your weight skyrocket back up to more than what you started with
this fucking board sometimes jesus christ

Cut off one leg

you forgot
>750mg dnp

yeah this is much more likely to kill you

if you die on 750mg you don't deserve to live anyways. I frontloaded 1.3g and then did 750mg at 5'6 160lbs

>5'6 160lbs
>needing dnp

youve got bigger (smaller) problems than dangerous weight loss drugs my man

stop putting food in your mouth

move more

Lost 30kg in 4 months with intermmitent fasting and cardio. I ate like 800 cals per day for a period of 6 hours (12pm-6pm) and ran for about 30 mins on a treadmill. Also played soccer loads of times after that. Thats how you literally shed fat.

how much did you bounce back

Its been two years now. I havent bounced back a single kilo. Unless you decide to eat 4000 cals a day as soon as you slim down, you wont. If that happens, youre a fat fuck and deserve to stay that way.

Become more green tea than man.

Cut off your arms and legs

Go to Veeky Forums

But in all honesty, you can't lose fat fast and keep it off with a shitty lifestyle.

Sure you can lose WEIGHT fast, but there is a difference between weight and fat.

Assuming you are overweight, if you want to get close to an ideal body it takes a lot of discipline and a life style change.

Or just take steroids, thatll make you lose fat fast and build muscle (if you want) fast.