Daily reminder that despite Veeky Forums being shit, it could be worse

daily reminder that despite Veeky Forums being shit, it could be worse.

>he doesnt know what GAT stands for
>lolol post this in my secret club

who cares

more than 1 person in that screen actualy.

>gats are still a thing
Holy fuck reddit, get your shot together

I didn't know what gats were when I first heard of them...

>being this edgy

/r/mfa is shit, yes.
/r/streetwear is not, and don't try to tell me it isnt because I see half or you faggots posting there.

/r/malefashion is borderline shit
/r/mfa is shit
/r/streetwear is the shittiest of them all

Incredibly accurate

/r/streetwear is populated LITERALLY by little kids and teenagers. All their fits are the same, and they're all bad.

/r/malefashion is Alright
R/mfa is absolute trash
R/Streetwear feels really juvenile and is usually pretty shit

Translation - I post in Streetwear and dress like a 15 year old idiot.

>Be faggor Redditard
>Browse and post on Reddit
>See someone post something stupid
>Take a screenshot
>Run to Veeky Forums
>"Reddit is so dumb right guys?!?"
>Other Redditards on Veeky Forums agree

senpaitachi how would be the hottest "fashion" "forum"?
might work with my lads on it

If I'm being completely honest, Veeky Forums is way more fun and entertaining, but reddit is better if you're actually trying to get answers/have discussions about things.


kek this, so many crossposters on here

calling you out chairman!

Why does he have a trip lmao
He's not a special snowflake and he doesn't even have good fits

Check out the shoe collection thread and behold all the GATs
So it makes sense that it's 50% people from Veeky Forums, then

At least he gets good answer.
Asking here would result in 20 posts of pure shitposting.


Reddit presents itself that way but most people are fraudulent pretenders with no fucking idea, but try really hard, so you have to wade through so much garbage that presents itself as discussion. If you ask a (non-elementary) question most of the responses will just be useless prattling that thinks it's helping. Here you can easily distinguish between the two, but most importantly, watching people do that shit is way more soul destroying and depressing than the pure hostility and retardation you'll find here.

Of course that doesn't mean you don't have a higher chance of getting your question answered on Reddit.

>implying Veeky Forums isnt saturated in the same shit

>implying I implied that

Implying I wasn't aware that I was implying your implications.


Dude doesn't know thing, respectfully asks a question and is respectfully answered. Veeky Forums is the opposite, and that's why it's shit lol

This. Also, Redditors do not know how to be concise for the life of them. Too many posts (especially OPs) feel the need to be multi-paragraph diatribes on the simplest shit.

I like detail put in when detail is due, but I also think all of the extra language is completely unnecessary and can hide flaws. A poster who gives shitty advice will try to hide it under mountains of words.

Veeky Forums may give you shit advice, but at least we keep it concise and easy to wade through.

conversely reddit is structured in such a way that if need be, lots of paragraphing can work
Veeky Forums is limited to concise points and writing any more makes it hard to read + seems like you're trying too hard
reddit is much more helpful if you know what you're looking for, but as with everything, you have to take things with a grain of salt
Veeky Forums is no better or worse than r/mfa, its just Veeky Forums is more entertaining

What's MMM?

Insulting Veeky Forums won't make the absolute diarrhea that is r/streetwear look any better nor will it strengthen either of your posts.

Don't respond to me, everyone is already laughing at you.


Ha, fuck no. It's impossible to have a discussion on Reddit.