Alcohol and Islam

Did the ancient muslims drink alcohol ? I read somewhere that the Moors were heavy drinkers and that middle east were a very big wine producer in the middle ages.
Also the local populations were already used to drink alcohol so banning would sure have been hard, and the health aspect is also to be taken into account, as water was always a big disease catalyst

I tried some research but I only find shitty muslim websites treating the religion aspect, not the historical persective

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Yeah we all know the theory, but if theory was always applied catholics wouldn't eat pigs or shave either so...

Yeah a they did and they certainly do now


you're such a try hard rei

Islam forbids alcohol but that didn't stop them at many times throughout history because guess what people ignore religion all the time

What about music? When did that become harram?

Troubadours were a thing

To be fair, Islam forbids it because you'll get drunk and go apeshit ruining someone else's life, your family and yourself. Because this is Arabs. They are not of sound mind.

People just ignore that shit because why not? If you drink with moderation or drink without ruining yourself, you aren't wrong.

>drink in moderation

Alcohol is cancer no matter how moderately you drink it. Banning alcohol is one of the best unique aspects of Islam (meaning something they don't share with Jews and Christians).

You have no friends.

Seeing that alcohol is sterile and the arabs had a winemaking culture yes.

Alcohol in certain amounts can be beneficial according to multiple studies.

Middle easterners and persians drank wine for centuries. Nowadays they have to smuggle it illegally unless their dictator or theocracy is chill.

>Did the ancient muslims drink alcohol ?
Depends how early you mean. The secular understanding of Quran 2:219 (specifically the part "They ask you about wine and gambling. Say, In them is great sin and [yet, some] benefit for people. But their sin is greater than their benefit." part) is that alcohol was disliked but not forbidden initially.

A lot of muslim monarchs were fucking hypocrites just like their counterparts elsewhere.

There's that Ottoman soldier who forbid drinking alchol and even coffee but died of alcholism himself.

>Alcohol is cancer no matter how moderately you drink it.
t. German metrosexual nu-male.

Reminder that teetotalers are less intelligent and definitely way more lame.

One of the most common tropes in dynastic foundation stories for Turkic-Persian states involves a leader and his men being regular drunkards and irreverent blasphemers who then go on jihad, are born again, and swear off alcohol and other vices.

There's been several sultans and caliphs in history who not only drank, but drank themselves to death. Alcohol consumption is one of those case studies that any Middle East historian should understand when it comes to the relationship between public and private morals, the reality of actions and habits, and the theoretical versus actual reach of Islamic law.

>not liking alcohol

>I don't like it therefore we should ban it
double degenerate

Inshallah, my brother!

Alcohol is literally the only reason civilisation survived to this day.
Beer was safer to drink than water back then.

>Beer was safer to drink than water back then.
That's literally folklore that has been debunked, and the people that believed it didn't know that beer acts like a diaretic.

Says the anime poster.

Byzantines called the Muslims Diogenes party sluts.

Turks especially liked to drink a shit ton.

Yes, they drank. For example, a guy named al-Tanukhi, who was an Islamic Judge in Mesopotamia (~900CE) had a ton of travelers from all over pass through where he lived. So he would spend time drinking and talking with them.

Eventually he started writing down all the good stories about their every-day life. Which is cool because there aren't a lot of texts on that sort of stuff.


Here is the translation of the book he wrote that you can look at online. I did a quick (Ctrl+F) check, on pg 214 he talks about drinking wine.

I had thought that as a martial faith Islam forbid alcohol to not misuse grain to march on its gut.

LotGH isn't like any other anime at all... It's s history+politcial epic, strictly for adults interested in detailed space epics.

>Moors were heavy drinkers
Naw, this was a misconception brought on in the last days of Islam in Iberia. Partially because the Crown of Castille tried to force convert all the Muslims it hadn't successfully expelled
>check it

It's also noted that many Arabs originally converted to Islam for political reasons and then apostatized after the death of Muhammad(saw)

It's well know that some of the early Muslims weren't very good at abstaining from alcohol. It took years of Islamic re-enforcement for all the rules to start sticking.