Ashkenazi Jews have a ton of Northern European ancestry...

Ashkenazi Jews have a ton of Northern European ancestry, but traditionally they lived separate lives from Christians by force and by choice.

How did this mixing happen? Was intermarriage not always taboo, or was rape by gentiles just incredibly common?

Jewish emancipation

I could swear I read somewhere that Ashkenazi Jews have very European m-DNA, indicating Jewish men married local women, but as to how it happened, I have no idea.

>Ashkenazi Jews have a ton of Northern European ancestry

No they don't. They're a Middle Eastern / Caucasian / Mediterranean / Eastern European mix.

It's mostly European women who assimilated so arguably early on as traders and merchants marrying local girls before segregation came about.

Most Jews are about 1/3 Levantine, 1/3 Southern European, and 1/3 Northern European.

mDNA is primarily Southern European, because Ashkenazim are largely descended from Jewish men who left Israel before Bar Kokhba, marrying Greek or Latin women who converted before Judaism was a stigmatized religion.

Sex trafficking.

A favorite pasttime even today

They dont have northern european DNA. All their DNA is mediterranean or anatolian and this keeps getting interpreted in different ways in different studies over and over again. "Jews are descended from a small group of italian converts!!" "Jews are descended from a small group of converts in this village in turkey!!" . Who would have thought that jews, a mediterranean people with mesopatamian roots would have mediterranean and anatolian genes? Its all just western scholarship seeing the data through orientalist liberal lenses, because jews cant possibly be real jews, all "middle eastern" people from any period of history are "arabs", everybody people's history has to involve racial mixing and people from the "middle east" cant possibly look white without european genetics, and israelis are white colonialist invaders stealing land from the brown natives.

Wtf are you going on about?

He is taking genetic testing tool literally (not understanding context) and basically saying Semites/Levantines are white.

user goes on race forums a lot.

The sex trafficking maymay again? Seriously? You guys do realize there is no good evidence for it yeah? At least not to the extent that the assorted people involved in or perpetrating moral panics claim anyway.

ashkenazi jews are descendant from converts.
many ashkenazi jews have mixed with slavs/germans too. today they vary in appearance feom greek to german to russian.
also sephardic jews are also converts.
berbrers converted to judaism.

babylonian jews descend from hebrews

sweet sugar pie!

this confirms recent studies that Mizrahi Jews are the descendants of Hebrews.

The main difference between Mizrahi and Ashkenazi/Sephardic Jews was the absence of Southern European components in the former.

According to these results, European/Syrian Jewish populations, including the Ashkenazi/Sephardi Jewish community, were formed latter, as a result of conversion, during Roman rule.

tl;dr Ashkenazi/Sephardic/Syrian Jews are converts

>sephardic jews are berber/spanish converts

Medieval Arab writers ascribed the ancestry of the Berbers to *Goliath the Philistine and maintained their Canaanite origin. The Phoenician colonization of Africa, the long Carthaginian domination, and the survival of Punic, a language closely related to Hebrew, supported these legends which spread among the Berbers themselves. Similar tales are found in the writings of Greek and Latin authors and in the Talmud which spread the legend that the Canaanites immigrated of their own free will to North Africa. It is said that the survivors of the Jewish revolt in *Cyrenaica (115–116 C.E.) found refuge among the Berbers of Western *Libya . Scholars have frequently claimed that the Jews' desire to proselytize found a favorable atmosphere among the Berbers from the first to the seventh centuries. African Christianity, whose early converts were Jews, clashed with Jewish proselytism. Archaeological discoveries, epigraphs, and writings of the Christian scholars Tertullian and St. Augustine, indignant at the growing Berber conversions to Judaism, attest to these facts. The persecutions by the Byzantines forced Jews to settle among the Berbers in the mountain and desert regions. Ibn Khaldun confirmed the existence of a large number of proselyte Berbers at the time of the Arab conquest of Africa.

>ashkenazi jews also mixed with berber/spanish converts (sephardic)

based on a DNA test, part of Netanyahu family is descended from these Spanish who converted to Judaism

>Benjamin Netanyahu, who everyone was certain was a "pure" Ashkenazi, revealed Tuesday that part of his family tree hails from Spanish/Berber

Netanyahu explained this by saying, "my brother, Ido, is a writer and physician. People who write family trees based on DNA tests approached him. Their thesis was that Lithuanian Jews, and we are from a Lithuanian family who were descendants of the Vilna Gaon, have Berber/Spanish roots."

>At least not to the extent that the assorted people involved in or perpetrating moral panics claim anyway.
So there IS evidence?

I agree with that but look up tovashim jews from north africa

fucking this
time and again genetics has confirmed that Ashkenazi Judaism is seperate from any other ethnic group in Europe
a German Jew and a Russian Jew are more similar to each other genetically than they are to the average German or Russian, respectively
and guess which ethnic group is genetically the closest to Ashkenazim? Palestinian Arabs
(Sephardim and Ashkenazim are distinct races, but they're still incredibly closely related)

>and guess which ethnic group is genetically the closest to Ashkenazim? Palestinian Arabs
Keep pulling those facts straight outta your phony ass.
Ashkenazi jews are close to south italians.

and south Italians are close to Arabs, as we all know
qed, game set match

> Ashkenazi Judaism is seperate from any other ethnic group in Europe

Ashkenazis speak a German language
Ashkenazi cuisine is German/Slav
many Ashkenazis look German/Slav and many Germans look Ashkenazi
some Ashkenazi are more German than Italian

s. italians are close to greeks, spaniards

arabs are qahtanis aka yemenite
berbers, copts, phoenicians are not arab


alot of Ashkenazis are Germanics
some are Italian

You have to remember that having rules and following rules are very different things. If you meet a cute girl that wants to marry you, you tell your patents what they want to hear.