
Prep general

wasp fashion is cringe

only the french and the italians can pull off prep

Prep IS wasp you tard.

French and italian menswear aren't the same thing as prep.


Prep master race.


Nothing prep about this. Get your fat baby face outta here.

thats exactly what prep is

right, sorry

i forgot this was /snot green pants/

what does prep mean

More like this?

no it's not fuckface
what the fuck happened to prep threads that they're now full of ignorant pieces of shit who seem unable to understand that prep/ivy/trad is a very specific look and not just "classy timeless menswear"

also "italiand/french menswear" guy, you can fuck right off you greasy swarthy prick

Literally the easiest style in the world and this fucking board can't even get it right. Someone should go takbir on your asses









































This. Wtf happened? These threads used to pretty good.










Somebody's shitposting hard,
Are you aware of what "Greaser" style is and that it definitively doesn't belong or share any pieces of clothing with the Preppy's ?

Theses are preppy-like.
Other pictures lacks of clothis to be qualified such as. And the rest totally misses the point.



stop being so autistic, should we have 10 different threads? one for ivy one for prep one for trad and so one?









Most of this stuff being posted is not prep.
Goddamn Veeky Forums is retarded.



It's not like I actually participate a lot into theses kind of thread so don't take me too seriously.

But that stuff isn't prep,
It's not Ivy League,
Nor Traditional.

James Dean in a leather jacket is "Greaser Fashion" and that is all I got to say.
Next time just name the thread "1950 Fashion" or "Retro sub-cultures inspo" I don't know.
Just fuck me up.


