What got you into fashion, user?

what got you into fashion, user?

old high school clothes stopped fitting me and i decided it was time to get stuff more modern


1. I'm just good at it
2. I'm really concerned about how people would see me
3. Being good at it makes me feel better about myself
4. I like aesthetical pleasure. It really pleases me.

Why don't we get me out of fashion and into a dry martini?

>bored a few years ago
>decided to go to a different boards and see what i like
>found out i like fashion
Now i'm still here, it's fun desu

have always wanted a "look" that defined me.

>used to be a streetwear sneakerfag
>Found the toxic cesspool that is Veeky Forums
Been a few years since then

im an artist so aesthetics and expression has always been a concern

it started out with admiring pieces while shopping, crowd watching and runways shows, magazines, fashion photography, etc. and then one day I decided I should care about how I dress myself too

Wanted to learn how not to look like a manchild when I started to go to college

Looked up a few websites to get advice. Sticked with one of them. After a few monthes I decided to give a look to its forum. Actually got into fashion by browsing this board


streetwear mags from right before it blew up


am just here to compensate for my unfortunate genetics

In high school, my gf pointed out that my shirt and pants didn't match. I put no thought into what I wore until that moment.

your clothes aren't supposed to match
le epic troll gf xD

>always wore jordans and nike (basic streetwear) otherwise literal shit
>Then started caring about actual fashion
>got bored of /b/ and found Veeky Forums

>fem weeb
>kind that actually doesnt have friends
>wants friends
>been changing who I am past 4 years
>started caring about what I looked like
>been browsing Veeky Forums /cgl/
>found pintrest
>found styles that suit me better
>than cgl have post about fa
>went to Veeky Forums
>learned i could be fa
>got into fa even more though Veeky Forums
>now knows what style actually suits me
>still building my wardrobe though

It started when I began getting into music more and my aesthetic sense came alive.

>tfw oldfag
What I like about my wardrobe is that I subtly hint that I was part of the hardcore scene in my outfits
and sometimes people pick up on it

wanna be my gf?

I was bored, i like pretty clothes, i like the different colors, textures and silhouettes, i'm insecure, i like the social aspect of it the different communities and styles and the way they interact.

I'm not I'm just studying how to make money off of ya insecurities