Can big noses ever be Veeky Forums

Can big noses ever be Veeky Forums






it's probably not honestly

>tfw big nose
a girl said id bee 10/10 if i didnt have a big nose

is there any way of getting a smaller nose other than rhinoplasty?

Maybe punching yourself over and over can work

post pic

I don't know OP you tell me

Fuck I almost had quints

I'm a girl and if a guy don't have a big DEFINED nose, not bulbous
I don't fuck w/ him

My girl like it as while i eat her out via 69 it goes in her vag.

>fembot here XD Teehee
good thing that even with my nose im hotter than you famalam


My nose is huge, but its also completely straight, not one single crook. Its like I have a perfect triangle sticking out of my face. Not sure how I feel about it.

>That shitskin refugee Rat face

They're fine on men if the rest of your face is good enough. Women with big noses are utterly fucked, though.

Actually there are a lot of girls with big noses that pull it off. I really dont think a big nose is that big of a deal. Unless youre black with a nose like hopsin or left brain or krs one. Im suffering from this and no matter what i do i still feel ridiculous

they can be big but not hooked.
big noses are seen as masculine

yes if its not a kike nose

My nose is only big due to the bump so I'm having it shaved down this summer.

maybe, but insecurity is definitely never attractive.

That's mean of her

I don't like my nose as its huge but girls have always been complementary about it because it looks "masculine"

No, it just makes it bigger and wider over time
t. fighter


rondin !

I got a jew nose

They don't know the feel

Looks Roman to me man. Also, it doesn't look very bad. The more you worry about your 'imperfections', the more people notice them.

not a jew nose
is a jew nose

leon the professional?
look pretty good actually


all these people would be more attractive with smaller noses

Aren't you guys exaggerating because he's a tripfag? Hi s nose isn't even that big lmao

He's pretty ugly though, and since he's always talking shit it's funny because he looks to be around 15 years of age

The truth? On a male, yes, on a female, no.

I've seen some girls who look good with big noses but they do look better on men

>tfw bulbous nose and round face

>He's pretty ugly though

He really isn't though

>it's funny because he looks to be around 15 years of age

How's that funny?

Is mine too big? It looks shit

he is ugly though
its funny because it contrasts his online persona

this is not a big nose

not that big. how the tip looks might be why it comes off as big you're attractive though

I have a problem. My nose is big, but straight. The bottom portion, the nasolabial angle(see pic) is curved.

It's just cartilage, and makes my nose look even weirder. Can I do anything about it?

sighhhhhh it sucks. might get surgery later idk

OR i could be a man and get over it

I get so many people that think I'm Jewish because I have a big nose and not straight hair

are you hispanic or somthin? i really wouldn't guess jewish unless your nose hooks

Your nose is perfect lmao

Hispanic and white
And I would think the same but I've been proven otherwise by customers lol

Fuck you. You literally have near perfect genetics, and you're whining on a mongolian knitting forum. Come back when you have a crooked, pudgy, pig nose, fivehead and a dandruff jew fro like me, faggot.

You don't deserve what you were born into.

Thx for the kind words. I don't really mind the shape and I really like it from the front. It's just how far it comes off my face that bothers me + jokes I hear about it if that makes sense? I probably sound insane complaining

Look more like a cool saudi

Man I'm a 6.5/10 on a good day. Tired eyes, patchy facial hair, poor hairline. You can't be as bad as you're making out

it does come off of your face a lot but it honestly doesnt look bad in any way. your profile is amazing. we all have things we dont like about ourselves though.

I look like a fucking nigger, that's how bad I am. If you're a 6.5, then I'm a 3. I have facial hair growth that makes asians look like armenians, I'm a fucking manlet, I have a crooked and cruelly proportioned face.

well i mean it's subjective

I personally like people with big noses, especially girls


small noses are weak and generic

You look pretty damn good, breh

I have some Italian from my mothers side and a Costa Rican dad with a real honker-piece. I used to get a ton of shit as a kid, my nose really became prominent at about 9 years. So while all the other kids had little button noses, I had an Easter Island head on my face as decoration.

Growing up it was hard to get over and accept the fact that I couldn't escape my genetics and just embrace that shit. So just fucking rock it, different chicks/dudes dig different stuff, so embrace it.

Pic related. Sorry for shit pic, can't. Figure out how to save my pics from snapchat to my SD card anymore

looking good actually

This is what I'm working with so count yourselves lucky.

Other way around.

thats a good nose man

looks greek. Nice

you on the other hand.. thats a big focking nose.

>tfw you have a bigger nose than everyone in this thread

>Can big noses ever be Veeky Forums

Yes, since being Veeky Forums is all about the maxilla

I would date you. I like those kind of noses :^)

your nose is pretty aesthetic desu


whats ur instagram $hawty

you are all oven dodgers

i have a big nose that i'm self-conscious about and it's sometimes gotten compliments by attractive women

your nose is not big, just wide.

Awe thanks. I love my wide little nose.

Yes, literally anything can be fashionable if done correctly.

>(((big noses)))

Having the most infamous schnoz in American history never stopped JP Morgan. He even accentuated it with that chevron of a mustache.

Do you think my nose is cute?

would fuck but not marry

That doesn't make any sense.

OP here. Who's 404 fodder now, huh??

i would be happy to put my dick in her(you?) but the face isn't good enough to marry

what is wrong with her face?

nose isn't v aesthetic

looks a bit masculine, not convinced it's not a trap although that could be due to lack of makeup

still a 7 tho don't give up

what is wrong with her nose?

i will give you a real answer if you post a time stamp proving its you

the bulbous, triangular shape isn't aesthetic

i like it

u do u

what you think the girl in the gif is hotter than me? lol Try again

it's clearly not you tho

because i'm prettier. Thanks ;)

R8 me. How to become Veeky Forumsndsome?

>tfw someone told me my nose ruins my face

big noses can work for both men and women if the rest of their face is really aesthetic

big nose + nice eyes, lips, and face shape = it adds character

big nose + some other part of their face is mediocre or bad = ugly