If Jesus made the Law obsolete, why did all the early Christians still follow it?

If Jesus made the Law obsolete, why did all the early Christians still follow it?

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He didn't

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Actually, I honestly wonder about that. As I understand it, a core idea behind Christianity is that no one can be saved on their own since everyone sins, so they need faith in Jesus to be saved. So if nobody can go without sinning, and they need faith in Jesus to be saved, why should they not sin?

You need contrition to be eligible for forgiveness.

That doesn't really change my central point. Why not sin and just be a self-hating sop about it?

How is your contrition sincere if you're trying to Jew the rules?

>trying to Jew the rules

You know, I really don't like you. Antisemitism doesn't speak well of you.

But that said, you wouldn't be trying to game the rules. You'd just be acknowledging that you can't be beyond sin, and considering yourself "the worst of sinners." You know, like you do when you're deflecting criticism for being an arrogant, prideful little turd.

I'm against the Jewish religion, not Jewish as a bloodline. The Jewish religion lawyers the rules, and literally says rabbis have the authority to correct God.

If you try your best and are sincere but keep sinning, then yeah, you're better than someone who doesn't sin as much but isn't contrite. That's what the story of the Publican and the Pharisee is about.

>I'm against the Jewish religion, not Jewish as a bloodline.

So you're not against Jews, you're just against a huge portion of their ethnic identity. Good job.

>The Jewish religion lawyers the rules, and literally says rabbis have the authority to correct God.

I very highly doubt that. I suspect it's no different than how your own faith debates the correct way to interpret doctrine, but you in your typical fashion misrepresent anything that isn't Orthodoxy.

>If you try your best and are sincere but keep sinning, then yeah, you're better than someone who doesn't sin as much but isn't contrite. That's what the story of the Publican and the Pharisee is about.

So then the ideal life for a Christian is just particularly self-hating? That's fucking messed up.

What books do you recommend, besides the Bible?

>So you're not against Jews, you're just against a huge portion of their ethnic identity. Good job.
I'm against their religion because it denies Christ, yes. Christianity has ALWAYS been against that.

>I very highly doubt that.
You'd be wrong. Jews cite the precedent of Abraham "arguing" (how they see) with God over sparing Sodom and Gomorrah. They literally advocate "arguing with God" (if you're a rabbi)

>So then the ideal life for a Christian is just particularly self-hating?
Atheists don't seem to make any distinction between abject humility and self-hate. A pity.

Try The Way of the Pilgrim

I made a more extensive reading list here if you're interested: pastebin.com/bN1ujq2x

Because early Christians didn't know that it was obsolete. But then some Christians figured out they couldn't spread their religion if they required men to cut up their penises.

>Atheists don't seem to make any distinction between abject humility and self-hate. A pity.

There is none, oh most wretched of sinners.

>I'm against their religion because it denies Christ, yes. Christianity has ALWAYS been against that.

Yes, and that's why you use it as an insult. Fuck off.


No problem. Christ is in our midst! :)


Thanks for this. All meme's and trolling aside, whats your deal, constantine? Are you like a theology student or do you work a regular job? Do you live in America? What are some hobbies you have besides Orthodoxy? Age range? I once considered you were a troll bot much like ABATAB was to /tv/. Remove the veil for just a brief moment.

I'm 26 and I work with horses. I'm not a theology student. I live in America.

I love animals and books and the outdoors.

Neat. I'm trying to muster up the courage(and gas money) to check out my local orthodox church. Probably end up going alone. How would your church treat a lone new comer who wants to experience a divine liturgy in person?

As soon as you show you are serious and not just fadding, they will LOVE you

I imagine there will be a moment where the father will ask infront of the congregation why I am here and every one will turn their heads and stare. The best I think I would be able to come up with is "um...just exploring m faith." hope that doesn't oust me as some /pol/LARPER. Which is very much not the case. Grant it, I did first here of orthodoxy on this board, but orthodoxy just "speaks to me" for reasons that often aren't even discussed here. /rant I guess lol

You will most likely be introduced your first time. If you're asked to give a reason in front of the congregation, just say Orthodoxy strikes you as the original Church, everyone will know what exactly what you mean.

If someone would go to prison on accord for everyone, and you could get away with every crime as long as you feel remorse and appologise to the judge, there would still be lots of people not breaking the law

Because he didn't and Paul was just pulling nonsense out of his arse.


The only thing he did (per the texts at least) is make temples and sacrifices obsolete.
The rest is desperate christians trying to stich the tatters of a bronze age cult into a cloak of legitimacy to fit into modern society.