What are some philosophies that you actually believe in?

What are some philosophies that you actually believe in?

Wholesale? None of them. Most of my philosophy comes from Nietzsche, Stirner, and Buddha.


Stoicism, besides the pan-deism.

Shame I also think it's pretty unrealistic.


Here are some philosophical ideas I believe in:

Every person is born a genius until they acknowledge embarrassment

A forced education system destroys a person’s inert ability to learn and brainwashes him into a conforming slave

Material possession and social status are hollow and meaningless. Culture is nothing more than a trait of social status

Actually kill yourselves


But suicide does not counter the Absurd. Ending my existence only contributes to it.

Determinism unironically

Existentialism is such a lazy philosophy for lazy people

Akrasia or the idea that we innately act contrary to our own interests through choosing 'easier' or less consuming present actions that are not conducive to our future selves.

That's a weird way to spell hedonism.

Why do you say that

I find most of what Stirner says generally agreeable.

I wouldn't call myself a sceptic, but I don't believe true knowledge is possible.


I entertain the notion that either the universe itself is divine, or that the universe is a product of a passive god such as the One, but in either case there's no point in trying to understand them or worship them as divinities.

E. MIchael Jones

Anarchism mostly, seriously, how can governments be justified morally? No matter how egalitarian and democratic you purport your system to be the people will always be subjugated by mob rule and corruption.

Kantian constructivism


I believe in ghosts.


Hedonism is lazy. It limits the potential and ambition of the self. There is nothing to be found in seeking nothing but sensory pleasures day to day. Often times it is the hardships in life that allow us to grow and develop our character. Avoiding any and all struggles will only result in a person lacking in moral character.

Hemeticism(in which i believe my own bible interprerations comes closest)+stoa


>I believe in chicken noodle soup for the women's soul

(moral) hedonism
epistemological pragmatism

That material, ecological and ecological factors are the primary determinants* in how a culture develops. Not Marxist though he is shit at materialism.

Egoism a la Stirner.

That there are no moral facts.

That Christianity and it's children (humanism et al) have had a pernicious decadent influence on western man.

Some other shit ripped from neecha

*With caveats

Life is trail and error

Ethics is about the balance between vengeance and forgiveness

The Socratic-Abrahamic teleological eschatology that was started by Zoroaster and perfected epistemologically by Socrates, Plato and Aristotle and morally by Daniel, Jesus and Muhammed is the single most disastrous worldview that was ever invented

> justified morally
Nietzsche was right about you people

I dont even know anymore
Life is fucked

>The Socratic-Abrahamic teleological eschatology that was started by Zoroaster and perfected epistemologically by Socrates, Plato and Aristotle and morally by Daniel, Jesus and Muhammed is the single most disastrous worldview that was ever invented



>I'll take the Veeky Forums discount funpack please.

Mine, to start. Every person has a philosophy. He might not be able to label it or associate it with a notable figure for lack of academics, but that "outlook on life" is a philosophy. In which philosophies of others do I believe? I believe people, at one point or another, had all of them, with varying degrees of effectiveness in relative situations.

Your question sucks.

Skepticism w.r.t. science

What ever philosophy this man attributed himself to.

That would be Transcendentalism.

Didn't he try to distance himself from the Transcendentalist's of the time?

Unironically ariosophy/hyperboreanism

I have no idea but that's what everyone calls him. I don't know if he called himself anything.

he certainly didn't live up to his purported ideals

>tfw you can't accept any philosophy because you can't find any good extra-logical reason to believe in logic

The natural aspects of his philosophy are what I find so great, particularly the parts of it which express an ability to live and build a home no matter where you are, and turning it into a profitable and farm able plot of land.

I didn't care too much for his political philosophies.

My life is a mix of

Edgar Cayce's philosophy that life is a classroom and everyone in it are your fellow brother and sister trying to learn the same lessons, but we all learn and seek in a different way because we were not all there in our past-lives when Jesus walked on water or Moses parted the Red Sea. Or whatever; and so each person should respect every other's outlook as just as merit-able as our own if it's constructive and not a font of egotism.

Buddha's outlook of peace and patience within. No reason to argue about anything in life that poses no consequence to us. You can't convince whom doesn't want to be.

And Beowulf's "The gods will do no more for us than we will do for ourselves."

Also, on Buddha. Not everything needs an answer.

Such as your belief in God or not. It's inconsequential by the same notion. The point is to be spiritual, not to dwell on what that means.

Don't really have a single 'philosophy', I see bits of truth in all outlooks

Most things I adhere to rely on materialist views, no inherent morality, empiricism, stoicism


Objectivism to some extent.

Unified theory of evolutionary psychology.

More science than philosophy I guess

Furtherance of the Machine

Mathematical formalism.

Mathematical platonism

subscribing to philosophy in your life is for dum dums.

Comfiest "philosopher."

fun fact: thoreau's mom did his laundry while he was on walden pond


How can genius if brain don't real?