/thinspo/ - Thinspo General

Last Thread: Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hidhratted


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Model Diet Manual:

>MyFitnessPal: "Veeky Forums friends"
>Lose It!: "Veeky Forums friends"
removed by mods :o(

Other urls found in this thread:

google.be/search?q=mistral guidotti&client=ms-android-oneplus&prmd=imnv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj4i5KRs8HRAhUYOsAKHf2wDwYQ_AUIBygB&biw=360&bih=560

infertile tier

gtfo with this shit, everyone is sick of it

Except for the fact that they are hitting the bump limit daily now. :^)

id on shoes?

>circlejerk threads fill up fast


>eat more vegetables
>now I have regularly room clearing farts
I have no friends but this isn't helping

am i /thinspo/ ?

meds giving me huge cravings again. why can't i just... be... strong...

you people are stereotypically thin by nature so no

what meds?

same, I'm noticing better skin, butt fuck, pressure is released every time I move too fast or laugh too hard

Post undies pic, coat is too bulky to tell

i'm not home so can't rn but i'm 6'4 145 lbs
tbf i don't work out so i'm pretty gross and pale

Do you people really see OP's pic as something desirable?? I understand being Veeky Forums, but what is the appeal of the Auschwitz look?

In all seriousness, rakey looking bodies stopped being glorified after the 2000, thought I'd let ya know.

It's called fashion, look it up.

high five, bro

Why does fasting make me pale a f

lack of nutrition, take vitamins and make sure to nourish yourself, also stay hidratted


antidepressants, antipsychotics, anticonvulsants

hope you feel better

be careful with meds like that senpai. If they help, take them, but they really can fuck you up in the future

all these meds are unhealthy as hell. but if i quit taking meds i will probably just end up killing myself in an impulsive episode in a matter of months so idk.

good luck senapi

Should I start smoking to help with my anxiety and appetite if I don't care about living for a long time? Half of my older family smokes, and the non-smokers aren't doing any better health-wise than they are, and I noticed that the elderly non-smokers in my family seem to end up with dementia while the smokers don't. I'd rather be dead than have dementia, anyway. The only person in my family to get cancer is my uncle who is constantly in the hospital and getting x-rays and cat scans because he can't stop being an alcoholic.

This. You get on one, then they add another and you're fucked up from the one but don't realize it so you say okay. Now your on two, messed up but don't realize it... they say a third will help.. and so on until you're absolutely rekt. Took me a while to undo that for myself.

mom made me eat a subway footlong today

>following the glorified trends of society
>being mad that others don't

>Inferior Crystal Castles girl

>make america thin again
You have a better chance of making America great again


do americans even ride a bike or is it a myth and they don't have bikes to start with

>just binged on Chinese
Oh god what do I do

you're right though. was put on an ad. made me unable to sleep. so they gave me an antipsychotic to sleep. which actually made me paranoid. so they gave me another one. then i got movement disorders from one. gave me something else to help with that. it's a fricking neverending circle.

i have a bike
everywhere is too far away to ride to tho

none of us can see our penises or walk without passing out.

how do you guys get yourself to purge?

i tried sticking my finger down my throat, doesn't work

don't do it

edith is way cuter though

i just ate so much cake

i have too.

don't use it as a crutch
develop some self control

this is a one time thing, promise

Agreed, cut back the next few days and learn self control, don't purge user.
Drink some water, you'll be fine.

Because you're asian.

Bread/cake is hard to get up
t. Used to purge daily

kys fattie

no. it is not worth the risk, trust me.


currently at 17.3 bmi, would like to get it down to 16.7 but everyone already complains about my weight as it is now...


ilu frof

>Should I start smoking to help with my anxiety and appetite
Honestly any progress you make towards thinspo will be nullified by shitty skin and breath

Don't. It's not even going to help you lose weight. Plus, if you didn't drink much liquids while binging, it's going to be difficult to bring up the food. But, if you're going to purge, don't use fingers, or wash your hands immediately after purging. The stomach acid eats away the nail and skin.

Meh, depends on what type. Subway actually has some semi-low calorie stuff, and you could theoretically eat it and still be under your caloric limit.

Think I'm gonna hop on roids this fall desu, I am too impatient

How do you all feel about cutting red meat?

take responsibility for your actions pls

Friendly reminder

it's up to you... i started smoking because of anxiety and also just not giving a shit about my health. but for me personally, it does not do much concerning my appetite, and it might relieve you a bit from stress but it is so temporary and overall just not really worth it. and it used to be cheap but now it's only getting more expensive. i still smoke because it became a habit and it forces me to be more social but i was glad to find out i did not crave cigs if i quit for a week or so when i ran out of money.

Out of dietary preference, I wouldn't do it, but it's definitely feasible. You can eat chicken and fish which would be lower calorie and still good protein.

who /hro/ here

Is this too thin?
1.86m, 70kg

Not thin enough

hey /thinspo/ just wanted to ask,are there any dangers in fasting for like 3-10 days?I'm good at fasting and i've lost a lot of weight that way

Is there going to be a big difference on my body if i fast for say a week?

i'm already underweight but i have bits of fat on me that i want to burn off

Laxatives whenever i eat slightly above maintenance,it's effective considering you keep the food down but bulimia is a hell

I used to be heavy on bulimia,purging like 3 times a day and it's not the best way to lose weight because as soon as you vomit you will still be starving

i wont even mention the health consequences

I am planning on fasting, but I am nervous. Anyone have tips for fasting?

no you still have little boobies and stomach fat

drink water

This girl is pretty. Can someone translate russian caption

Lot's of water. Coffee is fine too, but with moderation. Drinking lots of water is the most essential thing.

>this is a one time thing, promise
how about a none time thing kiddo ;^)

Thinspo kik group if anyone is interested.
It got me running twice this week.

Third day water fasting. My eye won't stop fucking twitching. Is it the ritalin I'm taking or an electrolyte imbalance? Usually I can take ritalin without problems.

eat salt if it's the latter. probably the former though

magnesium deficiency, expect some serous muscle cramps soon

I'm eating normal salt and also potassium salt but I don't think I'm getting the balance right.

I took like 400mg Mg yesterday and it still happened. Today I took only 60mg (that's how much my multivitamin has) because I wanted to make sure I wasn't taking too much.

Is there a discord group?

Is he, dare I say it, our guy?
google.be/search?q=mistral guidotti&client=ms-android-oneplus&prmd=imnv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj4i5KRs8HRAhUYOsAKHf2wDwYQ_AUIBygB&biw=360&bih=560

How long after losing two pounds a week do you actually notice changes when you're already at around 7-8% bodyfat? I burned over 4,000 calories cycling yesterday and am curious to know if you all know when I should begin to notice being slimmer

When is it best to weigh yourself?Like i personally wake up really dehydrated so i prefer to drink some water before weighing myself in the morning

Just make sure you do it at the same time every day. I always do it first thing in the morning after going to the toilet but before ingesting anything so i weigh literally hundreds of grams less.

i feel like sugarfree red bull seems safe, 5cal for a smaller can, i legitimately enjoy the taste.
any reason not to have a couple of these each day, or do i need to pick another drink from the sticky? worried i might be trying to justify this.
water intake is pretty okay

energy drinks are horrible for you, but if you dont care about your health, its fine

>but if you dont care about your health
i kinda do. well shit. maybe i just needed to be called out on it, thank you
i'll phase them out over the next week or so then.

you dont have to quit them completely if you enjoy it so much, but drinking one on a daily basis is a bad idea

Am I thinspo?
172cm 49kg

you're just anorexic you sick fuck

You just look weak. I'd fuck you though no homo.

Veeky Forums am I doing thin right? Should I loose some or gain some?



The only thing I'm going to eat today is a handful of blueberries before work.


You look a tad disproportioned, just do small amount of pectoral training

skinny fat

nah my dude just healthy diet and exercise
sounds fucking hot desu senpai
thanks senpai

Used to be same height and 55kg, but I felt really weak
Will start exercising



