Why do I look like a solid 6.5 in the mirror but a 5 on a selfie camera? Is it really just the focal length...

Why do I look like a solid 6.5 in the mirror but a 5 on a selfie camera? Is it really just the focal length. I feel like other people look good/normal in selfies

Wow, Ethan, great moves. Keep it up, proud of you.


this thread

Mirror flips your image dumbass
that's just how you've seen yourself all along
now you're more self conscious

see if you look good in a normal camera but bad on the phone camera it's just focal length

if you look good in a mirror but bad on any camera ur just ugly lol

>but bad on any camera ur just ugly lol
feels bad, man

Raise the camera high above you

What if you look like a 6/10 in mirrors and in flipped cameras but a 0/10 in unflipped cameras? Should I just get my face reattached in the opposite direction?

nah the unflipped version just seems weird to you because you're used to looking at your face one way. you probably look fine

great moves, proud of you


great post proud of you


hold the camera further from your face and zoom in

the thing I've noticed from my obersvations it: try looking at pictures of people flipped and not-flipped. Often times you'll think "Yeah, there's a difference. but nothing significant! who cares?" that's how people feel about you

I look like a goddamn beauty when I look in my front camera

Because the front camera on your phone has an equivalent focal length of around 24mm, +/- 4 depending on the phone. Your eyes have an equivalent focal length of about 50mm +/- about 5, with somewhere around 85 being considered the sweet spot for portraits.

what mm would a photobooth pic be?
like a passport photo

Excelent reply

Hard to say, but it'd be a "longer" focal length than a phone's camera so probably greater than 35mm.