How to pull off a jacket when you're younger than 30?

How to pull off a jacket when you're younger than 30?

What Veeky Forums will say: "Y-you can't! You can't! Never! Because I'm so self conscious that I don't believe in myself enough to wear one, but I also have a superiority complex! So if I can't you can't, and I can't do anything but wear yeezys."

The real answer: Just find one that fits and looks good. Wear it with a good outfit and believe in yourself.

if you can't wear a jacket because of age then you've got bigger problems

I don't want to end up looking like a fedoralounge user

just shut the fuck up.

light colors and slim fit.

Get one that actually fits. One that isn't part of a suit but one that's actually a jacket by itself and slightly casual. Don't wear a fedora or a tie with it. Wear jeans or trousers that fit you, and aren't baggy as shit.

The problem with fedoralounge users isn't that they're wearing jackets.

>tfw 29yo
>can't pull off a jacket

Stop being autistic


>Implying skinny black jeans and a jacket isn't a decent match

it absolutely isn't


>get jacket
>wear jacket

I know its a difficult concept to grasp, but I believe in you


Jeans are prefectly fine with a jacket you autistic retard. It comes down to the type of jeans you're wearing. If you're wearing some overly distressed jeans with a ridiculously formal jacket then it's going to look like utter shit.

Just don't double denim it.

Speaking of jackets, I impulse copped this from the MrPorter final sale because it was 70% off

I feel like lots of people on Veeky Forums just live in an environment where they wouldn't see people wearing a jacket and wouldnt do it themselves

I live in Oxford and plenty of people dress smart/casual all the time because of their lifestyles and a nice jacket/blazer can look fresh as fuck dressed up or down

Just make sure it fits well and isn't really loud imo

It won't look good if it's too big, too tight, poorly matched with the rest of your outfit, too formal for the occasion or too casual for the occasion.
Getting a jacket and wearing it isn't enough.

This makes me sad.

just pull your arms out of the sleeves, dummy!

Just don't wear a jacket with jeans that don't accentuate your legs.

Jacket + straight jeans + sneakers is a mistake I think.

If you get a thrasher logo tatted on your neck you can pull off anything

Less shoulders, closer fit and fabrics that don't look like they belong on a 40-something impotent sales clerk.

Fuckingg scumbag shit

How much did you pay? I honestly wouldn't pay anything over 40 for that sorry user. It looks like someone took a pair of scrubs to a sewing machine.

antoine doinel is easily my favourite film character ever

This is correct.

I paid about three fiddy

>How to pull off a jacket when you're younger than 30?
• Wear jacket
• Don't be such an insecure sperg that you lose spaghetti immediately upon going outdoors and worry what Veeky Forums will think

It's really not that hard.

This is pretty interesting. I like it

He knows what's up.