Does VP Pence's official photo make him look fat?

Does VP Pence's official photo make him look fat?


I didn't know that Mike Pence is exclusively Vice President of /pol/

This is a question of fashion, shitlord.

I'd say it's the suit.

Suitbros, is he wearing off the rack?

sleeves looking a little big imo

It's more of a photography thing. For some reason both the portraits of Trump and Pence look like total ass. I can only attribute them to Souza not doing them, and Trump having too much of a say in how the process is done.
It looks like Pence isn't sticking his head forward like you normally would with portraits.

Oh and the white balance looks hella fucked up. Like they were shooting under fluorescent lights with pure or cool white reflectors, and the photographer never bothered to set up his WB with a grey card.

Do we know who the photographer is? He's not the official one is he/she? They should have been a bit more bi-partisan and let Souza keep doing it.

Though the warm touches of Souza's photography probably aren't what the Trump administration's aiming for


you are talking about his official photo

how does that have anything to do with clothes

Because the suit makes him look fatter than he actually is, imo

He's definitely overweight, regardless of his fashion, and his suit doesn't do him any justice. If he and Donald invested in a tailor, they would look much better. At the moment, they look like they put on a Kohl's suit for work because they had to meet a big client that day.

Unfortunately, dressing better would likely not improve their policies. Both are morons who are drunk on the myth of trickle-down economics, and any worth while economist would tell you that it's a myth.

> does this suite make him look fat?
> has to complain about their economic policies

Oh, I'm sorry that you're upset by my opinion. Have some warm milk, it will help you rest.

The rest of the world has to deal with this shit now. If I'm going to comment on his awful fashion, I might as well comment on his awful policy stances.

> i'm sorry
> your upset
> have some milk

hmmm... where have I heard this before?

personally I like my milk and cookies without a heaping dose of politics

found the leftist

if you argue about politics on Veeky Forums you're a fucking BITCH



He's swoll af. Knows how to play football.

You said does HIS PHOTO make him look fat

That's a discussion of photography

" looking fat " is something that 13 year old girls talk about

Mike Pence is a piece of shit anyways

Please fuck off back to