Being conservative is Veeky Forums as fuck. Prove me wrong

Being conservative is Veeky Forums as fuck. Prove me wrong.

protip: you can't

Dude, like pretty much all fashionable people in the world are liberals. Rick lets drag queens piss on him for god's sake. Hollywood, etc.

They are brainwashed cucks and because of their influence on young people, they are brainwashing them too. Is that what being Veeky Forums truly is? Being trendy? Seems to me that being Liberal is more of a trend rather than an actual political view. Brainwashed, friends, do the right thing and don't fall for the liberal media brainwashing you. Wake up.

>1 paragraph
>4x brainwash
>2x they are brainwash
>2x trend
>2x liberal (one time capitalized for no reason)
That's some poor writting skills you've got there.

thank u. you have to be repetitive to get your point across.

holy shit you are so stupid. grow up you retarded fucker do you actually believe that your retarded contrarian conservative worldview is any better than those "liberal cucks" you seem to have so much fun fighting against. you are truly pathetic if you unironically identify with your dumb political opinion that much.

hahaha mad

what this guy said^

anyone else just enjoy watching the shit show that is the left/right lie? fucking neuro-typicals man

>The figurehead of the alt right is this man
>conservatism is Veeky Forums
Get real dweeb, modern conservatism is the politics of the old rich man and the neck beard, Its nearly as un-Veeky Forums a movement as the Sjw's. Nihlism is the only truly Veeky Forums political stance, maybe some forms of Communism.

i hope they kill each other

any day now friend

>u, you
>3x you
The gift that keeps on giving.

Just had a flash mental vision of Trump in full techninja and had to stifle a laugh.

you should kill yourself. prove me wrong.
protip: you can't

kys stupid flyover state hick

Aw yeah, nothing is more Veeky Forums than going to church with your boring wife and 2.5 kids.

white ppl are so fucking lame lmao

>wearing govt issued rags
yeah super Veeky Forums
if any "artist" was truly a liberal they would be giving mass amount of money away. Most mega-wealthy liberals really just want to create class warfare which ultimately leaves 2 groups: those in power and those who are subjugated.

at least im getting pussy and not sucking on a dick faggot. also, i'll have 3 PURE children. Where did you get that .5 from? I'm not the one being cucked, you are. liberal scum :(

That Laughing frog HAHA!!!