Is snus effay?

Is snus effay?

no. straight edge is

It doesn't matter if it is or not, just do the drug of your choice with a friend or by yourself in private.

Absolutely not

depends on the person. If you're some underground hiphop producer having some snus while up late at night making sick shit sure.

If you're a rural swedish truck driver with a stained wifebeater not so much

Doesn't fucking matter. The fact that you have to ask what you can do and not do in here is pathetic and so fucking not effay

you straight edge faggots are as annoying and self-righteous as vegans

Sorry m8 but straight edge might be healthy but it's gay as fuck.

Other user said it well

Swede here and have tons of friends who snusar and girl usually say they think it's nasty but don't appear to actually care. I smoke and most people I know think it's effay as fuck. It's not healthy I know and I only smoke in social settings or in special occasions.

this faggotry still exist?

Ahaha. Oh bless.

No, I live in Sweden and it's fucking trash. Cigarettes >>>>>>> Snus



Healthwise it's complete opppsite but yeah this.

What the fuck is snuss?

Reverse this. The only people who can do snus are rural Swedes.


What the fuck is this motherfucking bullshit deadass


its like chewing tobacco but you dont chew.
alot stronger also.
kinda popular scandinavia
swedish sportplayers usually use it because you dont damage your lungs but still get nicotine

>Falling for the snus is healthy meme

Skyd dig selv min ven

Sluta vara dum i huvudet, det är fan värre med donken


Exactly, the people who ask these kind of questions are never going to be able to make what they are doing cool because they didn't even have the confidence to do it without the guidance of others.
Always gonna look tryhard or pathetic


nej och det kommer aldrig vara det


>Not snorting your tobacco

I do this from time to time actually!

Is poop Veeky Forums?

is forsen effay?