Looking for Veeky Forums advice

Turned 18, unconfident mess, and well, I'm about to start my first year studying architecture, so I'm looking for a new style to wear. Literally know nothing about fashion at all. Grew tired of looking like a fucking kid (although I'll probably look/be like one forever)

Used to wear cheap-ass stuff, like, a black T-shirt with the japanese Nike logo, simple blue black jeans, and black converse shoes. I'm a basic pos.

City's cold most of the year, and I kind of like scarves.

Thanks beforehand for the recs.

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go on reddit and look at /r/malefashionadvice

when you're bored of that, go on 420chan and browse /st/

Thanks for the reply, don't like much reddit, but I'll give it a try anyways.

>about to start my first year studying architecture
Go to class. Notice what your professors wear, especially the older ones. They will be seasoned professionals to know how to wear professional clothing.
For more casual attire, notice what your classmates wear. The "smart casual" / "business casual" look works in the vast majority of cases.

Thanks man. I'm really anxious about the beginning of classes, 1st of march. To be honest, I don't feel like looking for the acceptation of everyone else, since they're mostly rich kids who look like these (see pic)
Nowadays, I'm wondering if palewave is a good choice in winter. I seem to like these colors, and it does not seem really expensive.

watch teachingmensfashion on yt

Wool trousers (black), monochrome shirts, crew necks etc are all really decent basics that set the tone. You can then build from there. Drop the sneakers and get some postmans. Maybe a pair of derbies but don't overdo it; they can look too formal.

If the city you live in ever drops below 5 degrees celsius a high-quality wool coat becomes amazingly solid. It's worth it to invest in a decent one that holds up for several seasons rather than shitty fast fashion coats that look like shit by christmas.

Solid advice here aswell. Don't overdo the parroting though, I had a friend whose style did a 180 a month of so into lawschool. It was absurd and felt very stilted.

Wewlad, if you are not White then you will be ostracized. It's not even a racist thing, but people feel safer around people of their own skin color.


>dressing like a basic self-aware adult is cancer
Maybe he should just go straight for Rick

You're telling this kid to look like an Veeky Forums meme, he wants to look presentable not autistic

Not sure if I'm not that white, pic in OP is me, but yeah, these people are really classist.

>Veeky Forums meme
Wool trousers are an absolute staple of business casual, same goes for monochrome shirts and crewnecks. There's fuckall meme-y about this.

Lmfao no it's not, do you even know what business casual is?

First of all drop the meme degree and do something that isn't so oversaturated

That's why maybe I asked for advice, not sure if you got it or didn't.

It's more about finding your own style, then trying to fit in with these people. That being said, seems to me you don't really have your own style too much. For a jacket you like palewave? What's your budget on a nice coat to wear? I can help adjust your style for summer/spring too

Try a trift store, you won't be able to afford much more with your degree anyway


gtfowts. Design yourself a tomb and stay in it.

Tell me if you like anything here

By the way OP, if your pic is you, that is not the japanese nike logo, its some hypebeast shit