Does anyone else get pissed by the liberal attacks against Trump that he did not earn his success because he inherited...

Does anyone else get pissed by the liberal attacks against Trump that he did not earn his success because he inherited one mill? Nigga turned it to ten billion.

le s&p 500 may may

All of liberalism is really just the rejection of superiority. There can't possibly be some one so skilled that he made his own fortune to the liberal, so he must have had some kind of unfair advantage.

Baseless statement, you're pretty dumb if you actually think this. There are businessmen that Liberals admire- they dislike Trump for a variety of reasons and that's why they push the 'small loan' meme

No I'm not pissed. I don't give a shit about him. I give a shit about me. Winners will profit off of whoever wins, only losers get emotionally attached to a guy who couldn't give two fucks about you.

Not baseless in the slightest, libturd. Every single one of your moronic beliefs is just the manifestation of your deep seated insecurity that you're an inferior.

Lol, I think you're projecting dude. I'm not liberal and I think it's pretty clear who the inferior one is. That's why you need a big strong man like trump to stick his cock in your mouth. Only thing your good at is sucking dick, fucking pussy

Those are some interesting images percolating in your head. Does Trump's swagger make you feel emasculated?

hahaha project much?

Seriously, trump followers are the literal manifestation of deep seated insecurity. I'm not surprised that you're not aware of this.

Only people who hero-worship are losers, desu.

Circlejerking over some "hero" and trying to mimic him just makes you look like a loser with no redeeming qualities besides trying to ride off the success of someone else.

Does Trump even know the first names of any of the people dickriding him?

>gets called out on autism
Stop posting, nigger.

Keep sucking his cock, maybe if you try to become Donald Trump you will also get billions of dollars, or maybe he'll acknowledge you... maybe...

When I look at Trump, all I see anymore is a spoiled little kid, who never grew up. Just look at the OP's pic, without your blinders on for once.

>literally nobody alludes to wanting to be like donald trump
>acts like everyone is
Reading not your strongsuit?

lmao yeah you got me

That was my first post, Einstein.

I guess there's more than one of us who can see the plain truth around here.

Dude just stop posting, you just look like a little bitch

Yet that post easily applies to you too.

Sorry I hurt your precious feelings, m8.

>t. butthurt trumpuck

dear 4chins,
if i had a million dollars i would easily turn it into 10 billion.
John Q Inferiorboi

No. Because financial success is only measurable in comparison to the success of others. It is by its own nature subjective. Most people do not start with 1 million dollars. So it is a very poor comparison to compare his success to the average person.

We live in a capitalist system. Access to capital is access to opportunity. Many people believe that if they had been given 1 million dollars 40 years ago they could have achieved similar success. Many people on this board for example have several potentially successful business ideas that they lack the capital to explore. Their opportunities to exponentially increase their wealth through business ventures like those engaged in by Mr.Trump are severely limited by the lack of access to capital.

To place the incredibly amount of advantage gained by Mr.Trump in to perspective consider the difficulty the average person would have acquiring a loan for 1 million dollars.

>The median salary in the united states is 51759.
>The national savings rate is 4.9%
>If a Veeky Forumsness man were to save at DOUBLE that rate for 20 years he would have hoarded a total of ~=100k or 1/10 of the amount Donald Trump was provided
>Despite having slaved for 20 years to acquire a 10% down payment the Veeky Forumsness man would still be unable to acquire a million dollar loan because of a lack of income necessary to afford the payments.
>he would need to save greater portion of the principle in order to make a substantial enough down payment to acquire the loan.
(not mentioned: $1m =$6.8 when adjusted for inflation.

This means that the average person will NEVER have access to the 1 million dollars of capital needed to compare their success to Donald Trump's. Especially after considering that it took Mr.Trump decades to "turn 1 million into 10 billion". Even if some one were to finally receive a loan for 1 million after 40 years of work. They would be 60 years old and unable to take advantage of the capital in the same way.

TLDR: Mr.Trump was GIVEN an advantage so large it eclipses any measure of success he gained. HE DID NOT WORK to fund his own ventures. They were funded by his parent.

Verdict: He did not EARN his success.

Its the politics of ENVY fostered and nurtured by socialist marxist commie shitbags.
Remedy!!.. support the rich folk as long as they vote conservative stand up for them whenever a commie faggot attacks them. is it not a form of discrimination? just because some may have been born like that?? ie wealthy

Lots more people fail in life even with 'small' loans of 1 million dollars, he's still successful he just started at a high rung on the ladder

Anyone can fail and do.... persecuting someone because they are wealthy is terrible. don't you think?

Imagine what kind of property you can buy in New York City with 1 whole million dollarydoos

>inherited one mill
no he got a small loan of a* million dollars and then inherited something like 15 million when his father died.
(* sources say "a" as in singular is incorrect)

1st post & 2nd post best post

Fuck off to /pol/, underared retard.
Also lurk moar holy shit.
Oh nevermind you are just literal cancer with no life, busy shitposting all day on Veeky Forums.

I am inclined to agree, however trump is a businessman and Veeky Forums has an invested interest in USA being run by a businessman not a socialist cuck.This THREAD is relevant to our interests.

ITT: anons who never read Trump's Art of the Deal.
Helpful Hint: no need to speculate on how Trump made his fortune; he explains it all step-by-step in his books.
Trump only sleeps a few hours a night and he's up by 4am working in his home office. He understands that all deals are based on personal relationships, so his day is consumed by hundreds and hundreds of phone calls. He's on the phone talking, negotiating, stroking people's egos, probing for leads on potential new business ventures, and so on. Trump constantly goes through his agenda, calling everyone he knows, constantly getting updates on who's doing what, where, how, and why. If you're still reading this, keep in mind that we're talking about before the invention of email and whatsapp, back in the 1980s and early 1990s, before we even had fax machines.

>$1 million loan
How much starting capital Trump borrowed from his his father doesn't matter. While Trump was at University of Penn, he got his start renovating single family homes. He would have been successful regardless, it just would have taken a little bit longer to get started.
Most people don't know this but there are private "Hard Money" lenders out there who will put up 60-70% (even more) on distressed real estate that doesn't qualify for conventional lending because of damage or condition. Just google "hard money lender" and see for yourself.

Trump inherited 15 million but socialist government inherited a country in Venezuela, all the old fields and military support and Venezuela is a mess right now

Liberals don't know how difficult real world is. If it's easy then Venezuela will have a successful economy because their socialist government inherited more than Trump.

Good point!

The more shit I see the more I'm starting to think Liberalism is a mental illness. It's a child's mindset. I haven't gotten to the point of calling myself Republican or Conservative, but I definitely know I'm not a lowlife liberal

Note: GOLD just broke thru $1300 point again.