Effay text editor



is that Terry Davis

vim is too straight for effay
use emacs with deldo instead



vim or emacs

mental illness is not effay, neither is western australia

Writemonkey is pretty effay if you're stuck in Windows.


>full screen
>black background
>sweet typewriter clicking sounds
>soothing to type out my feels everyday

Sublime Text is quite effay

how are you enjoying high school? finished that snake in c# yet?

@OP, if you like taking it up your ass from time to time use Atom, if you are alpha enough use vim or emacs

Right now I am using atom. Thought about getting into enacts but never took the time.

Stone is nice because it is open source, you can easily change the theme, and there are ton of plugins.


I really like nano but I should start using vim

all this other shit people are posting is for try hard geeks

thats enough from you


>use a slower, less optimized, less ergonomic, resource hogging program confined to Windows™ because otherwise you're le pretentious
No thanks. I'll stick with vim.

Do you get autocomplete for Latex commands?

This is what keeps me from using vim for editing latex from scratch.

Still compiling my documents with a makefile tho.

nah I don't autocomplete anything
you'll end up learning the commands you use frequently and for the once in a blue moon that you don't know how to tex something up just right the answer is always like the first result on google

I'll never go back to a standard text editor to be honest

It's not about commands I don't know how to spell, it's about typing again and again stuff like \frac{}{} \begin{eqnarray*}... Same feeling when I rather don't type the whole command in a terminal when a simple double-tab does it for me.

I'm gonna look what auc-tex or whatever it is called proposes in the emacs world.

i haven't bothered to look for one since it doesn't really hinder my texing speed

who is this?