Is my gang Veeky Forums?

Is my gang Veeky Forums?

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Too many non-whites desu.

I wonder how many of pairs of Old Skools they're wearing that aren't the 3 visible lol

>wearing Canada goose

Only housewives and Asians wear that shit.


This 100%

But I was planning on picking one up next winter, must have been the fact I saw so many people wear it

And arctic explorers

Lame, tryhard shit, no personality, you cowards dont even take shrooms

And Kevin McCloud

And our DAVID

not an ounce of testosterone in that pic

this is the future lefties want for america

and Bond

Looks like a fun middle school class trip desu

Lberal guy looks like normal civilizied person. Trump-supporter looks like angry monkey in comparison with him.

t. low test beta

be angry animal with constipation is not same thing as be high test alpha

more alpha than anyone in OPs pic for sure

you just like such men

until some random chick in the crowd disagrees with him, or until he sees a chick with a trump hat, or until someone talks shit about Bernie/Hillary/feminism/mass immigration etc.

it's normal, Nazi must suffer

kill yourself faggot

Name my band Veeky Forums

Nu-males, niggers and chinks.

Not ok.

Low T faggots. Start lifting.

read some literature, honeymoon revolutionary twink, people on any side rather than the left are not automatically nazis

Drumb supporters are Nazi.

did xe just insinuate that the female construction of gender possesses negative qualities that others don't?

Say it with me: "Uproot Toxic Masculinity"

We need to FIGHT until our spaces are completely free of this kind of bigoted filth. No matter your gender, no matter your racial identity, you are still a genderist and still a racist. Accept that, learn from it, and don't speak about experiences of marginalized identities that are not your own. This is a time to LISTEN and a time to HEAL, and most of all a time to UNITE against the fascist evil that has been plaguing our world ever since our species genetically selected for the random allotment of wombs at birth

this is a r/streetwear meetup

sure they are, confused boy. Btw, tell me what a nazi is, just so we're clear that you're right

Seriously, I'm not even American but this guy is exactly the reason why US elected an illiterate narcissist over a corrupt hag with no credibility

>Swedcuckery Core

Why are you so against interracial dating if being a high test alpha is all that matters for Western Civ?

>There absolutely no neo-nazis who support Trump, and /pol/ has no interest in nazism at all.

Why lie? Yes, the average Trump supporters are not neo-nazis, but the most vocal are.

You start by making a claim that all trump supporters are nazis, your opponent states that you are wrong and challenges you by asking you what the definition of a nazi is.

You duck his retort and change your statement to the other extreme ("All trump supporters are neo-nazis!" -> "You think that NO trump supporters are neo-nazis?").

what did xe mean by this? If you're going to be wrong, at least admit it instead of changing the goal posts and pretending that you're always right.

Lie about what? I never implied that there isn't a marginal neonazi minority who support Trump, just like there are radical-left people who are pretty much indistinguishable from your average nazi/fascist

You're right about /po/, but I'm pretty sure that at least half of them are actually contrarian assholes who'd never admit to any radical political views in public, much less defend or enforce them in any meaningful way.

a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
of or concerning the Nazis or Nazism.

the political principles of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
"the rise of Nazism in prewar Germany"
extreme racist or authoritarian views or behavior.
"the fascism, racism, and Nazism of white supremacy"

Truly debate material.

also this

The only people who display truly authoritarian views so far are actually leftie protesters who shut down speech events, are against free speech if it doesn't fit their agenda, are a step away from openly enforcing thought policing and turn protests into riots and violent altercations. Do you live under a rock?

Also face it, the majority of the western world isn't actually racist, you guys are just being overly sensitive and whiny about it. If they were, life would be so different it would have been plain obvious BUT IT'S NOT

If you do not see the relevance of that definition to what you are saying, please turn off your computer.

With that in mind, why do you equate Donald REMOVING regulation and relieving the middle class to authoritarian views or behavior?

But you're changing the goal posts now.
the political principles of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
"the rise of Nazism in prewar Germany"
extreme racist or authoritarian views or behavior.
"the fascism, racism, and Nazism of white supremacy"

Even so, pic related.

>Donald Trump is his supporters

Changing the goal posts.

>thread about shit redditor fits
>thread filled with politacucks

Is it so hard to just talk about fashion? Not everything has to be political. Is

why would fascists follow something that goes against their ideals?

>implying he represents the majority, isn't shunned in the right and is not on the governmental extremist watchlist

Because they believe that Trump will get rid of Mexicans, which they consider more important than authoritarianism.

>The only people who display truly authoritarian views so far are actually leftie protesters
>the only people

Why do you keep shifting the goalposts?

keyword "truly", my guy

haven't seen any righties take action that is comparable, at least so it seems from over here in Europe

I need a real answer right now how all these subhuman retards in my city can afford a $900 winter jacket when average rent is ~1200

They're probably replicas. Good replicas can goo for a fraction of that. I saw one for $99.

That was my suspicion, thanks.

In what way is creating a "new Roman Empire" not "truly" Authoritarian?