What's the most Veeky Forums water bottle?

What's the most Veeky Forums water bottle?

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that one

ive also been wondering this, so bump

I have this one

The plastic scratches easily so it looks like shit after a month or so

This fucking shill again

>not buying a steel or aluminium drinking bottle

your shit looks like a fucking meme.

forgot pic

The cheapest PET from your local grocery store.

fiji water on my lap, hydrated all day

Is this a new meme that I'm unaware of?

it's just a re-usable steel drinking bottle.
they come in many different forms and colors and are by a shitload of different brands. I got one. not by that brand though. I just bought an all black one with a blue cap at my local grocery store. looks good and I use it daily. so useful.

just buy a nalgene, GOAT water bottle

GOAT water bottle coming through

>handle for one-handed drinking
>no superflous branding
>lasts the entire day without a refill
10/10 would recommend


how can a giant jug of water cause so much strife for that person

Female autism

what bottle is this?

black people did that in my school all the time

ID on bottle?


I refilled the bottles of this brand my whole school/uni career. Today I read Hitler drank this brand. Such is life in Germany.

It's literally just something healthy/fit people do when they either play sports or go to the gym while on campus. At my school, it's mostly the Sikhs and Muslims.

I don't think this image could upset me more

1.5L Evian


Yep yep yep


let's get offended by something inoffensive then bring race into it for no reason

let's also call someone the same age as me a "kid" and also let's just throw a superfluous "literally" into a functioning sentence

damn this bitch has some grating mannerisms

>All white chicks in the likes/RT

Just like pottery

I have a glass water bottle. pic related.

what are pro's con's between glass, steel, or plastic?

i assume glass is probably the safest, eco-friendly choice since it's 100% natural?

