Is there anything more pointless than vanity?

Is there anything more pointless than vanity?

this website

No, feeling good about yourself just fuels happiness. As long as you don't let it get out of hand it's fine.

this thread?

you're in the wrong place to be posting this

Vanity isn't pointless to an extent. I think it can help people to make good life decisions and improve themselves. You just can't go overboard.

Depends by what you mean when you say 'pointless'. In a more rudimentary sense for vanity to exist the individual must put value into it. Because vanity as is a human construct, it is as the phrase goes "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". Therefore each individual must find some 'point' in vanity otherwise it itself would not exist. Therefore you question in this rudemtary sense is nonsensical and paradoxical.

However if you mean it in a more meta-physical sense. As in your real question is: "What value does vanity/beauty have when it will eventually end?", may that be by death, age or the heat death of the universe. Then I can only simply ask what is eternal that is also beautiful?

Vanity and beauty are no different from science, or discovery, in the end they will be reduced to nothing. And that is why they have meaning.

Or maybe in the end of ends, OP is just a massive faggot and likes shitposting

I cannot tell if you are honestly up your own arse just trolling.

Vanity is "excessive pride in or admiration of one's own appearance or achievements." Yet you make all these retarded statements and pseudo-philosophical statements for that word.

>In a more rudimentary sense for vanity to exist the individual must put value into it.
Every human has vanity you fucking idiot

>Therefore each individual must find some 'point' in vanity otherwise it itself would not exist.
What exactly do you mean by this pseduo-intellectual crap? The fact you do not define vanity and don't specify the "point" or any real fucking indicator.

>Then I can only simply ask what is eternal that is also beautiful?
Wow 10/10 poetry, you are so profound

>Vanity and beauty are no different from science, or discovery, in the end they will be reduced to nothing. And that is why they have meaning.
"Says a sentence that is absolutely meaningless and ends with that is why this is meaningful" lmao

>OP is just a massive faggot and likes shitposting
And of course could not have a Veeky Forums post without having some sort of moronic escape from your actual beliefs. "HEY I WASN'T SERIOUS DID U NOT SEE WHERE I CALLED SOMETHING A SHITPOST"

Going through life unattractive and poorly dressed

I'll take the bait; I'm not the guy you replied to but here's what you missed.

Yes every human has vanity, the point being that every human derives something (ambiguous or otherwise from being vain).

The definition of vanity is as you put it, and any mongoloid could google the definition. What the poster meant is that vanity exists because someone has a use for being vain. Like being practical or being outgoing or shy; something in their mind says that being a certain way will benefit them. Whether that benefit be true or not can be subjective but the point stands.

It's a cliche statement for a reason. Beauty is temporary and ephemeral.

The sentence has purpose if not meaning then

I agree, the poster should have stood by their post.

Just because you learned the word pseudo doesn't mean you have to use it to bring others down

> I'm not the guy you replied BUT What the poster meant
Alright bud let's here this

>What the poster meant is that vanity exists because someone has a use for being vain. Like being practical or being outgoing or shy; something in their mind says that being a certain way will benefit them. Whether that benefit be true or not can be subjective but the point stands.

Oh sorry I just assumed you thought you were so important that you thought whatever you thought was the "truth"

>It's a cliche statement for a reason. Beauty is temporary and ephemeral.The sentence has purpose if not meaning then. Huh I guess idiots attract idiots.

Tell me more where you "rationalize" to the point you can escape reality of that you are really dumb.

Lmaooo stopped reading right at 'faggot and likes shitposting'

Well, that was the last thing you could have read


vanity at least can produce creative output in certain cases. apathy is nothing

I think that "self-enquiry" would help you since you ask this question, you seem ready.

if you're the most beautiful individual in the world is your vanity pointless still?


yes because vanity is miserable for attractive and repulsive. It's a vice that every religion recognizes

No, you're not right. You are wrong. Opinion discarded.

:') don't lose your kindness

Would you rather be ugly and autistic but happy and not care - or beautiful and self-conscious for the rest of your life (even as you age and lose beauty)?