Are humans inherently good or evil?

Are humans inherently good or evil?

Good, according to Genesis. God saw that all creation was good, including man.

Wouldn't original sin negate that?

Inherently pertains to what is nature (innate), not accidental properties.

Neither really.

What humans inherently are is horny, selfish, and stupid. But none of those qualities are exactly "good" or exactly "evil".

All men and all consciousness are inherently selfish. Indeed if a consciousness is limited to being only one consciousness and everything it experiences is tied only to itself then every action it takes must be personal and not grounded on external things.

If a choice is correlated with your personality which is outside your control (the mind can't shape itself or if it does, it can't be done independently of itself) then there is no applicable value of morality. and if it's completely independent of everything then it's random and similarly devoid of moral charge.

People just act for their own self-interest and that doesn't necessarily mean people are dicks: if I rob and murder someone I'm not acting in my own self-interest as the guilt I'll feel will weigh much more than the 20 euros I snatch off his wallet.

Good and evil have no objective existence, so neither

Both are moral poles with no natural objective properties.

Only children see the world in such black and white.

Its the opposite, only adults see the world like that, children have no moral compass because its a learnt behavior

Most children at least have an inkling that it's not quite right. Really, children are more inquisitive and critical than a lot of adults. Good/bad is just the arbitrary crap stuff that tired parents push because the little shit WON'T STOP ASKING WHY.

Now, OP on the other hand...

society defines good and bad. until a society is formed persons lack any principle to define good or bad but to according to their own gain. their empathy is there only to the extent to provide their own safety (because of fear)

humans cooperated and formed societies because it is useful and good and evil is there to keep it

All of those qualities are relative. Humans are the most intelligent animals on Earth. And we're only horny and selfish situationally.

Define good and evil.

Rust has taught me that all humans are inherently fucking assholes and have no morality when subjected to no consequences.

But yeah we're only generous and compassionate situationally as well. And a few selfish and horny people can ruin things for the compassionate and generous majority.

>mfw strangers bashing on my door
>"h-help, we're dying out here"
>"fuck off"
>they're going to come inside anyways
>"Alright let me just build a gun so you can't kill me just in case you're a liar and I have to defend myself."
>I open the door
>They start firing on me
>I die, trying to shoot them at night time and everything is dark
>"Take his stuff, get everything"
>I respawn and have disbelief over assholes
>This is why I'm not a leftist as Veeky Forums seems to portray themselves as anti-property communists.

Hume N


>good or evil

both spooks

this there is no "true evil", only edgelords who think they are evil but are really just petty

People like Hitler and Stalin were pure evil.

>lawful means I can't think for myself

looks like someone didn't read the alignment page properly again

>Falling for the bait


Not really.

What about people like in chernobyl who went into the reactor to contain the accident? They knew they would die if they did and it was to save others. Were they selfish?

>hitler was evil

Technically they did it for psychological reasons, because it gave them emotional satisfaction, to sate Hitler's rage or Stalin's paranoia. In effect they were just neutral.

This can be contrasted with a devil that pops out of the ground and starts hurting people for no reason even though it doesn't feel like doing so.

The lawful differ from the neutral in that they have a compulsion to follow rules beyond what is practical. If they are as intelligent as a neutral and reach the same conclusion, for example that it is wrong to execute someone who stole bread to feed his family, then the lawful would cease being lawful. I can only assume the lawful stick to laws through force of habit. They aren't motivated to think things through to the same point as a neutral due to confirmation bias and a failure to see the big picture.

Maybe there are other explanations, but it is not a big deal for a quip on something I made on mspaint on a whim in about 90 seconds.

not bait, I unironically believe this

>Hitler wasn't evil

>Hitler was evil


>Hitler wasn't evil

Selfish. Not necessarily evil

Lawfull doesn't refer to the 'law of the land', it just means that the character follows a universal code of conduct. If you steal from the rich and give to the poor because you believe that wealth inequality is universally bad that is still lawful because you follow a self-determined set of rules.

Chaotic characters are more pragmatic, prefering to reason about ethics in a more ad-hoc fashion. This may apply to a goverment official, for example a judge who lets a poor boy who steals some food to survive, go with his limbs attached when the law states that a thief should lose his hand.