Has fashion gone too far? Is Veeky Forums the counterculture reddit? Is Hiroshima Nagasaki a filthy zipperheaded kike?

Has fashion gone too far? Is Veeky Forums the counterculture reddit? Is Hiroshima Nagasaki a filthy zipperheaded kike?

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duplicate reply my hairy fucking ass


Why am I not surprised


holy guacamole, this is absolutely disgusting

Have you read the interview? Like I said in the other thread, the interviewer (Verge) keeps trying to force her to say that Veeky Forums is disgusting and comprised solely of horrible people and she doesn't comply once

I think she may be /ourgal/

This is real. Amazing

what makes you think it isnt?

>this place is disgusting
>this place is epic
>this place is disgusting
>this place is great and there are some great people who use it

Wow, Is this real or shoop?

why the fuck do you retards keep making new threads learn to fucking use the catalog jesus christ

I've been on Veeky Forums since 09 and think it's disgusting but mostly idiotic.

exactly, you're a midfag so it makes sense

got a link?

theverge.com/2017/4/6/15210694/Veeky Forums-fashion-line-internet-clothes-interview

Why cant it be horrible and disgusting

epic thread

>Are you worried at all that people will interpret this as a glorification of a pretty icky online culture?

objective online journalism, hard hitting stuff.

agree, strictly for the lulz

lol that interviewer so passive aggressive

where were you when Veeky Forums literally became a fashion icon, my dudes?