Grey jeans

What to wear with gray jeans? Simple fits. Just looking for colors and shiet. Are black docs ok?


copped this generic gray jean for $12 shipped

hypebeasts & shills fuck off

from where tf

white sneakers, black top

any trucking colors, goes with literally anything

I usually wear my white AF1 and pretty much any color as a top.

I like nasty out of shape mature old bears

These look like they don't go too well with the above jeans, but actually, they go

Prob the only jeans that fit me perfectly. Wish they had more than just two colors though.

If you want to be different you can wear different shades of grey and get a cool monochrome look I do that sometimes with my faded to grey Acne Cashs

Where are these from?


my guess would be H&M

I think it's from nordstrom

Burgundy or bottle green

the model wears burgundy, that doesn't mean you must too. why the fuck you tell me burgundy? it's grey jeans ffs? that's all you got? what the model wears??

>asks for help
>receives help
>flips out


r u patrick bateman

why would anyone want grey jeans

for summer
