What are the best tips/methods of dealing with acne? Help me Veeky Forums

What are the best tips/methods of dealing with acne? Help me Veeky Forums

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Stuff like washing ur pillowcase, bedsheets, towel
Use a good face cleanser and moisturizer.
Dont touch your face during the day
Some people break out because of different things. Some peope break out because of milk or sugar. My acnes been improved by removing a lot of salt and sugar from my diet. Keep all this in mind and use a good acne cream twice daily.

if your acne is really fucked you should see a doctor

if its fairly mild you can probably do a basic routine like just washing your face with a cleanser and using over the counter stuff like benzyl peroxide.


I'm on it right now and the side effects are something awful but damn if that shit didn't clear me up as soon as it started working

only do accutane if your acne is super severe

that shit will fuck u up

Don't listen to this faggot mine wasn't really that severe anymore by the time I started taking it I was just so sick and tired of it that I wanted to be rid of it for good.

The only side effects I have are chapped lips and for some reason I have really big boogers that are bloody sometimes.

I still drink alcohol and I'm fine. Don't buy this "oh shit man accutane will fuck your life up" stuff.

It's all about diet and hormones. Trust me, I had acne too.

Consume vitamin A supplements from fish livers to stop aggressive form of testosterone and DIM (cruciferous) supplements to stop the extra estrogen. Hormones promote pores to work 'overtime' and get blocked thus leading to bacteria eating all that shit and you get ACNE.

Some people just have more enzymes that turn hormones in more aggressive forms and these supplements will suppress them.

Move to keto diet and stop eating bread and shitty carbs.


Thank me later.

Well it will fuck you up, if you overdose or have a retard dermatologist who prescribes just too much of it to you.
I took 10mg every morning and 20mg every evening. Did that for 6 months. Completely cleared up in 2 months. Accutane is great but you need to take it seriously that you should never overdose just because you want quicker results.

Mine put me on 20 mg/day for the first month and then 40/day for the rest and my side effects were pretty mild

Take zinc!!! And listen to everyone in this thread about changing up your diet. Acne to an extreme or even mild degree is not natural to have and could be the symptom of a larger problem like a hormonal imbalance or even gut dysbiosis (imbalance of bacteria in your gut responsible for all aspects of your health). Finding the underlying cause will fix your acne issues as well as probably many other issues to do with your mental and physical state. DO NOT listen to these faggots saying roaccutane, you WILL have negative mental side effects as well as physical. DO NOT take antibiotics because that shit can cause depression, anxiety, and even make the problem worse. Check out the ultramind solution by mark hyman.

accutane desu

Talk to a dermatologist

So you take accutane temporarily and the acne is gone permanently?
I've had sort of mild but continuous acne for years, I'm 30 and I still get it.
I went to a dermatologist recently for a different problem and asked him: "Hey, since I'm here is there anything you can do for my acne?"
>What do you want me to do with it?
Uhh, well I'd rather not have it.
>Looks fine to me.

Use a glycolic acid peel + benzoyl peroxide combination. This is available without prescription. Add clindamycin cream in there if you want to clear up purging break outs with antibiotics (don't abuse the antibiotics). Don't be dumn, and don't burn your skin off with glycolic acid - start slowly and at low concentrations.

Worked for me (I had comedonal acne), but I purged for solid 2 months it was nasty af


check diet

Accutane will fuck you up, in a long term

It's the shits

Dress Like a Norwegian Heroin Addict
>Bleaches Jeans
>plane hoodie no zipper
>some bomber jacket looking thing
>converse or addidas

Accutane can cause severe liver damage. It's only recommended for severe acne that is recalcitrant to other therapies.

First-line therapy for mild comedomal acne is a topical retinoid (Differin 0.1% is available OTC now) and benzoyl peroxide (strengths over 2.5% are no more efficacious and have higher incidence of adverse effects).
If you acne is more severe, speak to your primary care provider or a dermatologist about a topical or oral antibiotic.
If these fail, you can try an oral isotretinoin (e.g. Accutane).

gl lad

Use a topical retinoid (like Differin 0.1%) and benzoyl peroxide as maintenance therapy to keep skin clear.

When I was in High School I had really bad acne on my face, sleep with a towel over your pillow, it works wonders OP trust me

>Benzoyl Peroxide fax wash 2.5%
>Tretinoin (requires prescription)
>clindamycin (requires prescription)

gotta love the anti-accutane shills

Are there a lot of junkies in norway?

You can't anti shill something retard. Shilling requires receiving cash, so you might be an accutate shill.


>you can't get paid to discredit something

are you retarded?

I've been in Accutane for only a month (5 to go) and my skin is already completely clear. Just some pigmentation now but it will make that go away too. I also haven't worked out since I started so there's that. Worth it to me to look pretty

I did 6months of 'tane in hs and I'm absolutely fine now, you won't get fucked up if you don't have any heart problems or depression or anything
They make you do monthly blood tests to make sure you're alright

I got prescribed accutane from my dermatologist, but I'm not sure if I should take it, my acne isn't that bad, and i'm thinking of starting finasteride, there's only so much drugs with crazy potential side effects I can deal with.

tea tree oil worked very well for my adult acne (23m)

buzz your hair and take accutane (if you are self conscious about acne at all)

>taking estrogen

Where do I get started finding all these products and making sure they're right for my skin?

Reduce stress, white toothpaste on acne. Tree tea oil works miricles on acne too

I've had acne for over 10 years. Honestly it's closer to 15 now. Been to dermatologists countless times and been on all sorts of shit that helped to varying degrees. You need to find your own solutions, since "acne" is about 50000 different diseases and has complex causes. Anyway after over a decade of experimenting here's where I ended up.

quit all the shit I was on first off.

stopped showering entirely (got rid of my body acne)

stopped washing my face entirely. not even with plain water.

stopped eating all dairy.

stopped eating much sugar.

got at least 2 hours of sun every day (I'm dark skinned, if you're white do way less)

sleep at night, and make sure it's in total darkness.

I'll be honest, this shit probably won't work for you, and neither will anything else in this thread. This is just the combination of factors that seemed to have been the culprits for me. I think my skin is allergic to water. You probably think I'm insane for not bathing like a medieval peasant but 15 years of this shit drives a man to do crazy things, and it helped a lot. Anyway, good luck.

Literally 0 proven research on negative mental affects of Accutane. I survived and my skin is amazing. I feel great compared to the sad mess I was with acne beforehand


> The intestinal villi secrete the enzyme called lactase (β-D-galactosidase) to digest it. This enzyme cleaves the lactose molecule into its two subunits, the simple sugars glucose and galactose, which can be absorbed. Since lactose occurs mostly in milk, in most mammals, the production of lactase gradually decreases with maturity due to a lack of continuing consumption.

> In people who are lactose intolerant, lactose is not broken down and provides food for gas-producing gut flora, which can lead to diarrhea, bloating, flatulence, and other gastrointestinal symptoms.

lactose intolerance also contributes to acmes

>What do you want me to do with it?
>Uhh, well I'd rather not have it.
>Looks fine to me.

If it's that mild, some sort of low strength benzoyl peroxide that you can get over the counter should cut it.

>A C C U T A N E


literally cures acne and you dont get any nasty sides from the accutane.
some people do extreme doses of like 60-100mg a day micro dosing has been proven to be just as effective.

Accutane is not a cure for acne you fucking retards

Wait for this:

When will acne become effay bros...

Never, because acne is hard wired into our brains as repulsive. It is a sign that someone is unhealthy and therefore not an ideal mate.

aka you fixed your chronic problem by adjusting your lifestyle closer to what is natural for humans

huh, who'd have thought?

Somewhat unrelated, but probably best thread; anyone recommend a water proof sunscreen?

face washes of benzoyl peroxide aren't as good as a benzoyl peroxide cream or gel because there isn't enough contact time for it to absorb.

Idk how good it is but I use EpiDuo which is a retinoid and benzoyl peroxide together as well as ampicillin pills 2 times morning and night, as well as USP topical cream once in the morning. My acne situation was really bad but its a lot better now, probably because I've nuked my skin with all the different treatments I'm using.

skincare general, just look it up on the Veeky Forums archive.
Every OP posts the list with websites to visit.

go to the doctor, get antibiotics and two months later its all gone

don't use soap that's too strong.

that can damage the skin. put your face under cool water in the shower for like 20 seconds, and see about getting a prescription for accutane

desu go to /r/skincareaddiction on reddit

if hygiene and diet aren't the issues then go see a dermatologist and see what you can do
minocycline is lit

witch hazel

lip my stockings


lip my stockings


start dressing as scummy as your fucking skin. certain clothes look like shit on greasy pimply fucks so learn to wear shit that looks like an extension of your natural ruggedness aka poor hygiene. apparently a lot of people can't help that they have acne but you can sure as fuck work with it

i've been on accutane for around 5 months of an 8 month programme and my skin it still pretty shit, or at least i still have 4 or five terrible pimples

i know skin heals more slowly on accutane, but will it work? i see so many people making progress at a month or two in and mine really isn't much better than when i started

>tfw on accutane and my bones are starting to hurt, specifically my back

Have you guys had any success with nose blackheads?

My shit is covered but the biore strips don't get rid of them and stridex hasn't worked.


I used to do this but I just ended up with huge pores on my face and all around uneven skin texture. the best thing to do is just frequent face washing and exfoliating your face twice a week. thankfully my pores shrinked back again after i stopped extracting the blackheads


benzoyl peroxide and patience. try acne.org