What is the most Veeky Forums dog breed?

What is the most Veeky Forums dog breed?

stray dogs will become fashion tendence in the next 20 years
cap this psot


This is well known and accepted, any other opinion is wrong

keep in touch

Unless you plan to wear any black at all.
I have two.
>pic related

aussie shepherd


most of them



Jesus christ it's not even close guys.




They're stubborn bitches, but I agree they're Veeky Forums as Fuck and always turn heads.


poodles for sure

These long ass niggas


hispanic gang tier

grandmother tier

not bad

Malamutes are much more fa and better bros all together.

But dog hair all over your clothes is not.
Saluki Master race, clean like cats, tall, powerful, muscular fast but lean and great at hunting. Did I mention royals still carefully breed these graceful beasts?

Only racists care about breeds you assholes

shiba inu the best

long haired dachshund is my favorite

This bad boy right here.

needs the sides shaved for a better haircut but pretty good

a cat

Golden retriever obvs

Australian cattle dog.

Or Australian shepherd

Gordon Setters are pretty patrician.

Shiba and Aus Cattle

>people answering literally anything besides shibes and borzois

my MAN