Can I be a model? I'm 6'1

Can I be a model? I'm 6'1





brows and skin

Fuck off no

Yes definitely, just get better at dressing and don't smile

Yes send them to IMG, vny, and re:quest

inch off from model cutoff
>>Weak invisible Eyebrows (0 character)
>>NL folds

You look like a mix of Nessman and Gabe of Uzi

Could model for HBA tho (nothing big) or some shitty Polo offbrand

I'm not from US, I'm 1.87m (I don't know the conversion)

Why not?

Send half shots and full body shots in this form alongside portraits within to those agencies

Shave your head

Damn I need a photographer

I have green eyes, chilesed jaw, straight teeth, do I need more?

Just stand in front of a white wall, and get as much light as you can
You can do it with auto settings
Make sure it's those agencies, those are top tiers for your look

your skin is bad, can't really tell if you have the right body tho

How fucking long are your arms?

You have great features. Especially your eyes. Nitpicking, I would say your brows are a bit weak. Honestly I don't really know too much about it user but give it a go

Being tall and slim??