How the middle orient is so swarthy today despite being the originators of indo-europeans? Not 1...

How the middle orient is so swarthy today despite being the originators of indo-europeans? Not 1,300 years ago people like muhammad and atila are described as red haired


>Not 1,300 years ago people like muhammad and atila are described as red haired
Bullshit. Who would take a ginger leader seriously and followed them?

Mohammed was a ginger though and an alfa one at that.

read a book


very nice


why did u post a picture of action bronson before he got fat?

US in the 60s

Mo's hair was white from all the Jizz


>/pol/'s face when they realize blond haired, blue eyed people did literally nothing of importance until the last few centuries and the bedrock of civilization in every single aspect was made by 'shitskins'

>How the middle orient is so swarthy today despite being the originators of indo-europeans?
According to current research, they were originally from the Caucasus and were swarthy.

He dyed his hair and beard red. That's why you see Muslim people from Pakistan to Somalia dye their hair and beards red.

does he have really huge wrists or just tiny hands

I can't tell

Those images are from Roman-era Egyptian mummies. It's a bit silly to use those to claim that the entire Empire was swarthy.

>despite being the originators of indo-europeans
The Indo-Europeans came from modern-day Ukraine, mate.

Atilla looked like pic related.

According to them, Romans and Greeks were blonde haired and blue eyed and didn't even slightly resemble modern Italians and Greeks, who only look the way they do now is because Arabs and Turks raped every single woman who lived in those countries.

Their idea of genealogy is literally just 'men of X raped women of Y!'

Most middle easterners today are about 5-10% black due to over 1000 years of bonking black slaves.

/pol/ hates Scandis actually. They're pretty much as anti-viking as Veeky Forums is


I don't even use /pol/ and know this.

'No' what? What do you know? I don't understand.

>making up an opposing argument for a side that isn't even present in the conversation, let alone actually making that argument

This... this is just sad, Veeky Forums. There is a reason people thought Clint Eastwood debating an invisible and non-existent Barrack Obama in the form of an empty chair on a stage was pathetic.

Unmodified Glock plastic U sights.

Glocks in general.

>GOP convention is boring as fuck
>guy decides to try and liven things up a bit
>gets a few chuckles from the crowd and life continues
>Democrats play up the awkwardness to 11 for a cheap PR shot

You fell for clickbait, user.

>being the originators of indo-europeans?

op is talking about middle easterners not romans. but a lot of those people were likely greeks, or at least greek/egyptian mix.