Why can't women handle simple fashion? She fucked up every decade

Why can't women handle simple fashion? She fucked up every decade

Because women's brains stop developing after the age of 13, they're children. This is why they're follwers, incapable of getting basic things right, and needing someone to make decisions

Who is this and why does she look like she lived through every decade she demonstrated?

She did 80s right though

Why does this even matter to you?

very good, I love it when impressionable minds absorb like sponges what Veeky Forums feeds them

bitch face stuck in the 50s it seems

I hate it when people don't do their research.

OP I dare you to post a pic of yourself because you are obliviously so fashionable, if you don't you are literally a huge fucking pussy who probably wont post a pic of yourself because you know you are too ugly and unfashionable to be taken seriously so you have to post pics of other people making fun of them in hopes it will raise your non existent self esteem. Or just ignore this post and abandon thread you spineless faggot.

She's giving false impressions of fashion with lazh effort just for social media attention

Its a fact though..

I feel as though you are allergic to vagina.

The only decade she got right, the expression on the other pictures don't help as well.

why does this even matter to you?

When did Veeky Forums get full of feminists?

sounds like a girl wrote this

Sounds like you have never spoken to a girl

Then post a detailed study from a reputable source to prove your claim.

Who the fuck cares?

Everything on this thread is shit


>Which decade was your favorite?
The one where she wasn't born.

so the 40s?

What a hag. She seems to have forgotten that unmarried women lose their value past 30 anyway.

I'd fuck the shit out of the 90's version of her. Make her regret moving to the city into an apt with two of her girlfriends.

can u rape me too daddy xx

best post ITT

>duckfaces like a complete tool


That's not true. I'm speaking to (you) right now

lmao virgin

How old is this woman? If she is not in her 30s at minimum then that is very unfortunate.

Here here

You got that twat

imagine being this bitter about women

kissless handholdless virginity confirmed

She clearly smokes meth, give her a break.

She's obviously in her mid to late 40s. Have you ever been around people?

not far off. the female brain stops maturing around 18 years of age

Both of these estimates have no basis in reality. Brain maturation has been observed to persist at least until the mid 20s for the average person. In a gendered context, the standard is set a bit earlier for females, at the age of 21. This is most likely due to fact that female brains have been observed to hone themselves faster than males. Not sure where the two of you are getting these numbers from. Your ass probably?


>mfw I realize a gay guy made this post
Are you a top or bottom?


>user makes a grounded statement about women
>"Hurr fuggin virgin, you're just a virgin, virgin virgin virgin"

Roasties, everytime

>grounded statement

Grounded in what? not reality.

ummm yes sweetie, not everytime but most times.


Chemo for you normies, faggot