How many of you want to join me in rocking crop shirts this summer?

How many of you want to join me in rocking crop shirts this summer?

Male romper is the new cream of the crop

Ive already been doing it man

I'd rock those two guys instead desu. No homo.

w2c good man crops

T B H, i really like the look and i would wear them, but they look so fucking gay.





I'm homosex, but those look a bit too faggy

It's funny how homosexuality in just 30 years ceased to be considered as an illness and imposed as official dogma all over the Occident, in novels, series, movies. This shit is not normal it's deviation

user I'm gay, but I'm not THAT gay

Already with you brother

I like them jeans

Where I get them jeans

I don't mind crop tops, but my god you guys look so feminine. you need it to create a contrast from the rest of your appearance.

Crop tops for men will never happen.. even fags call them too faggy

Gap Slim

Perfect to show off the band of my underwear

How do I make a crop top look like this
without looking like this?


Just Get a regular tshirt you would usually wear then cut it off. It will look normal. Dont think too hard. I did it also with this shirt


Okay, but what's wrong with deviation? There are plenty of straight people, the blight that is people isn't going anywhere.

nephew delete this

crop tops are great for showing off cute undies


who is this semen demon

will nylon adidas short shorts make come back?

don't look like a twink

if u look like a twink, it will just make ur twinkler

only twinks should wear crop tops