Why be a Christian when it prevents you from truly enjoying the most intoxicating and brilliant stories told by man?

Why be a Christian when it prevents you from truly enjoying the most intoxicating and brilliant stories told by man?

But christians like Tolkien had no problem with storytime.


>INB4 catholics are bagans

Tolkien is religious fantasy done perfectly, to contrast with cs lewis doing it perfectly wrong

>implying religion works on a basis of enjoyment

No it doesn't

I refuse to believe Christians can enjoy a story like Berserk to its full extent like someone post-nihilism can.

>muh cantonese cartoon is so deep and complex only a select few can understand it
kys virgin

You are a proper fucking idiot.


what was the point of this thread?

No one said it's deep, just that Christians and their outdated beliefs and silly morals could never appreciate it. Much like how they can't properly appreciate Nietzsche.

Dude just stop, i'm basically an atheist and you are just embarrassing

Intense boredom.

I said it before. The Christian church would reduce the world's most precious gems of wisdom to mere guesswork and "glimpses of truth" at best, demonic at worst; she would condem Socrates and Epictetus to hell while having child rapist and Bedouin warlords in heaven; she would force on her adepts one particular Iron Age cosmology to, at the same time condemning cosmologies from other religions as absurd; she would claim exclusivity of truth, even though many metaphysical ideas from other religions and philosophies have points in common with her, and in fact predate her. This is some one the reasons why I can never get myself to come back to the church.

But of course the worst part of the Christian religion is... Christians. And here they come.

Reminder that you're full of shit and are going to hell because muh universalism

You say that because you wish for it, hypocrite.

>appreciate nietsche
If you unterstood him you sure as hell wouldn't appreciate him. Get off the bandwagon you fucking hipster

What would you do then, if not appreciate and respect him?

You nothing him, that's the point.

>that's the point
That's not the fucking point, weirdo.

>implying Nietzsche wasn't incredibly profound and decades beyond his contemporaries

God is in all things, OP, because he created all things. Christ is in all things. What remains is to find him, wherever he is.

Yes, yes it is.

The real point is to strive against him, eventually. Up until then appreciating and respecting him is only the human thing to do. Unless you are a faggot, and you instead loathe him.

If you consider the drunk burnout at your local bar rambling nonsense to disgusted patrons profound then yes he is

He doesn't ramble, he didn't like alcohol, and he certainly doesn't waste his time with disgusting patrons like yourself.