How do I obtain this style?

How do I obtain this style?

Be white, be good looking, have attitude, thrift

Be an edgy teen

don't shower or shave


become a 16 y/o low test boy using tumblr for the first time in his life



blue jeans, layered smelly thrift clothes, converse

do not

How did Kurt, who was 5'8, managed to reach the trigger on a Browning A-5 shotgun with a barrel extension while stoned?


It probably gave him enough willpower

by actually doing something and not being a poser cunt

Start doing drugs, it comes naturally afterwards.

Courtney Love was 5'10". She probably killed him outta embarrassment.

Cobain was a cry baby. Fuck his whiney ass music and fuck his fans

If you have the money, buy the full surf sound collection.
Otherwise just thrift.

Hate to break it to you user but achieving this style usually ends in self-inflicted gunshot wounds


this i think

get cardigans

shoot yourself in the face

It's very easy
Do heroin and stop caring how you look

>being a cry baby isn't Veeky Forums

Became Kurt

Head exploding style