Anyone got a face scar?


yeah a ton of acne scars


I have a small scar that starts at the bottom right side of my bottom lip and goes a little bit past it. Hardly noticeable, but it's kinda cool looking I guess lmao.

got hit with a gold club right above my left eyebrow. Father worked at the hospital at the time, so I got the best surgeon. Barely noticeable and doesn't disfigure my looks regardless. Might even help with the rugged handsome look when I get older.

this is the whitest story i have heard in a long time

no hate

no worries. Ironically I hate golf, its a boring as shit "sport." My cousin was dicking around with it at a family gathering and didn't see me walk up behind him.

I don't but a buddy of mine does. Got bit by a dog in 8th grade after waking it up. bit him on the lower lip and just about tore it right off. Looks a bit like the joker now, it's sweet.

I've got a sort of small scar on my right side under my eye, if you didn't know it was there you wouldn't notice it

I've always sort of wanted a dramatic face scar all though i know it would suck

back of my arm is developing some gnarly scars from a recent motorcycle accident though

i have a scar on my nose that you wouldn't be able to tell it was there either, fell on my face while running on ice as a kid

always thought it would be cool to have some scar on my cheek or chin

I have a small scar under my lip that only shows when i smile. My pupper bit me because i was all up in his shit and went straight through my lip.

Broken nose 2 years ago, zig zag septum and a large gash that got haphazardly stitched up in the ER. Got some non-invasive surgery to straighten out the septum but the scar from the gash remains. down the bridge of my nose

i have a big ass scar running down the length of the side of my body with a tiny scar beside it where they put in the lung tube.

Yep. I have cystic acne that balloons up under my skin. A few of them have exploded and they leave ugly ass scars.

i have an one inch scar under my left eye i got it from being mugged on new years eve

cleft palate bilateral. wish it looked cool...

My cat scratched me on the face on my right cheek that left a scar for a while, but I can't find it any more.

was changing a tire and one of the tire irons slipped out and caught me right under my eye. doesnt look too bad nowadays just have a little bit of scar tissue there that im hoping i can get rid of

Acne scars don't count, you poor bastards. (I have them too.)

I've got a dog bite scar but that just looks like a pock mark as well.


Just tell people you accidentally clogged the pores in your face with mud while fighting an alligator


Don't have any facial scars but is dismemberment Veeky Forums?

Couole. Horizontal one under my right eyebrow, from falling on ice as a kid, but it's barely noticeable, cause of the eyebrow growing over it, I have one on the left side of my upper lip from getting run over while drunk and landing on my face. Then I have one left of my throat from a medical treatment. Besides my face I have a scar on my elbow where I somehow managed to burn myself, a scar on my left index finger from chopping wood and hitting my hand another one on the left thumb from 5 finger filet and one on top of my left hand, but I don't know, how I got that one.
how does it look now and how did it happen?

Kaltenbrunner got his scars from Academic fencing. i know one guy in a student corporation. He said today almost everyone is fencing with a mask.

Welcher Bund?

Bei denen ist ein Arzt aus Syrien, also sicher nicht der Bund bei dem der Kaltenbrunner oder der Skorzeny heute dabei währen.

Hier in Österreich sind die Braunbuxen noch relativ weit verbreitet, die würden sich über so einen wohl freuen. Die Maske, die er meint, ist wohl bei pflichtschlagenden diese Eisenbrille, die Augen und Nase schützt bzw. bei normalem Pauken oder fakulativ schlagenden Bünden die Übungsmaske

t. ein CVer

I got a split eyebrow from faceplanting during skating, not really noticable these days. I also gave my best childhood friend a scar on the forehead with a broom.

Man that's ghastly, what happened? How did it heal? At least your thumb is still mostly operational.

yeah they all did, shame we dont have it here in scandinavia it looks fucking awesome

I got an eyebrow scar it sux


Nicked it on a circular saw


A bunch of little ones from all sorts of stuff. One on my cheekbone from a bike accident when I was little, one under my mouth where I bit through my lip, and one above my lip that I don't remember getting, basically a straight line from my nose to my lip. But they all just sort of blend into my skin since I've had them so long.

Does Veeky Forums unironically believe this looks good?

Or is it supposed to be a fun picture?