This has been bothering me.. how old do i look?

this has been bothering me.. how old do i look?

Late 20s-early 30s.

42. kys oldie

Mid to late 20s. Maybe early 30s. You have great hair, fuck you.

Haircut is shit, outfit it bland and shit. Try again fucktard.



pls show me what you were wearing today

23 :))

id say about 27, good looking guy, shitty fit, could go for a better haircut though

Never wear blue with green. Never wear he with your complexion. Never wear those bottoms again. Get a better haircut.

Never wear blue with your complexion****

I'd say 27. Now tell us, how old are you really?

33-34 but dress like a kid because no no responsibility

You could be anything from mid 20s to mid 30s. Impossible to say.

id on that jacket?

Polo ralph lauren obviously, it has the logo on his chest.

1. I got a royalty check from an old agency that I was not expecting. So right after my workout (p90X & 2 mile run) I went to the mall and loaded up. I had also just started intermittent fasting so I hadn't eaten at this point.

2. That jacket was 1 size to small, I sent this photo to my fiancè to see if she liked it. I ended up special ordering the next size up. I get a lot of compliments when I wear it now.

3. I typically have wild hair days, it looks good when I leave but it's only tame after I don't wash it for a while. That day I had tried a bunch of shirts on.

I'm having a decent hair day in this photo. I don't take many selfies so this is last month before working in a church.

Thanks for your replies, I was drinking wine last night and having a bit of an existential crisis. People always guessed my as younger, I think I'm catching up to my age. Gravity gets us all at some point :/ thanks for playing

I'll be 32 in August

I know that, but there are different styles of it

You look good for your age since you aren't fat or bald.

>1. I got a royalty check from an old agency that I was not expecting

got that in there. i'm sorry that you look like you're 40 but you're probably 40 so i guess it isn't a big deal. this is a really self-absorbed thread and it sounds like you're desperately insecure

"what you say of others reflects on you"

bettter than your cargo shorts my dude

who is your commanding officer my dude?

>skinny fat tryhard talking shit to a random normie

Never change kids.

pls lose some weight fatty, then come back and try again


Omg cringe please don't attempt to leave the house ever again

This is the saddest shit I've actually ever scene made my day user thanks
Top Kek

"Betttteereer than your cargo shoarts brooo"
*wearing skinning jeans and combat boots*
You're literally a fucking meme

>when you try to show off after being a twat but just end up getting roasted harder than OP

please my sides can only take so many G's

you look like a despicable me character

I was gonna say you looks the same age as me - and you are. I'm 32 in august. Good hair for that age at least.

You look like Quasimodo working part time at Hot Topic

Thank you for your service

>intermittent fasting
>cargo shorts

You are a literally a walking meme. Please make better decisions with your life.

First fit post on Veeky Forums, I'm so honored :)))


not even, I think I pulled it off really well actually.

*blessed be the patron saint of milsurp*

General consensus says otherwise you fat fuck.