How do you yellow/darken soles on white shoes. Considering making a vintage off white/chalk color AF1

How do you yellow/darken soles on white shoes. Considering making a vintage off white/chalk color AF1.

Angelus cream paint will take care of the top leather portion, but it seems that the paint will not hold up on the midsole. I've heard marinating soles in black tea or coffee may work.

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mustard did the trick for me

I heard people on Veeky Forums soaking them on tea, but I think all white af1 will end up like that eventually.

They look kinda weird with the fresh laces

wear them


First we need to understand what causes the yellowing of AF1 soles. Is it staining? No, it's too consistent for that. Every pair yellows essentially the same, regardless of use or if they've been stained

What causes the yellowing of the soles is oxidation. To expedite rubber degradation via oxidation, expose the sole to UV light

So leave the sole next to a sunny window or artificial light all the time.

You'll have to dye the upper.

>tfw my af1's started yellowing from just being in my room

Yup, every pair yellows. Regardless of use

There's a reason Dr. Dre wears a fresh pair every day

I wonder where the used ones go. Does he just chuck them out?

probably donates them

piss in them, it soaks into the insole and permeates into the outer sole

Imagine being a "conscious" rapper lile Dre who cares that little about slave labor

patience is the best, I bought some all white shoes about 2 years ago, they've yellowed beautifully. Also bought some onitsukas last year when they were full meme, aged well too.

dres not a "conscious" rapper

Main goal is to get the soles looking similar to a beige color like on the reebok vintage series. I'm gonna experiment with light soaking using tea and coffee

in what fucking world do you live in where dre is a conscious rapper lmao what the fuck

mine are beiging right now and I like it but I dread the day they become piss yellow like

White on whites arent real leather anymore so the uppers age like shit. Just find a pair of 02 or older vintage.

The pair in OP pic is a 02 or older pair. Real leather and small toebox. Newer releases have massive bulky toeboxed and look like shit in comparison.

then use tanning beds, same effect without looking cheesy as fuck

Don't older pairs have a swoosh infront of the laces?

here op,

tea works

nice thread faggots
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also, i'd like to look like i don't give a fuck
help plz

Thx for the insight

1. everytime have the opportunity to say that u take drugs say it, make sure people know u take drugs, bonus points if u wear drug related wears or post every other 5 minutes how amazing was taking drugs last night in every social media account u have.
2. u don't, u are already a hobo if u wear clothes.
3. you can't xd
4. the perfect way to make sure everyone knows u don't give a fuck is to either use streetwear or nothing, they're basically the same thing.
there u go my man hope this helps :)