How can a fit manlet be Veeky Forums, is it even possible...

How can a fit manlet be Veeky Forums, is it even possible. Im just 165 cm and i just wear a polo shirt and khaki shorts most of the time

Other urls found in this thread: wives

you really need to stop letting your height get to you, being effay is also about being confident and comfortable with yourself.

Thank you papi

Being a manlet is an internet meme. Girls don't really care if you're 5foot4............ unless you use a dating app.


Dude, they really do care. Average height difference between men and women, in my country, is about 4.5 inches.
So if you're a manlet let that be your guide: try and get girls approximately that much shorter than you.
Second: get married ASAP. I'm serious, fucking sprint down that aisle.
A 4'11.5 girl will be happy with your 5'4 if you marry her when she is a virgin.
Guys don't care about the height of girls they fuck, in fact they might specifically try to get womanlets into bed for the experience.
So if you let that 4'11.5 girl get a few miles on the odometer she will have fucked multiple 6 foot dudes and that's what she will want in a husband, she'll always feel like she settled if you are 5'4 so she'll divorce you to fuck lanklets.

>if you marry her when she is a virgin
user, I've got some bad news...


Being Veeky Forums isn't a good thing, and if you were really interested in looking Veeky Forums you wouldn't need to ask how. Srs



Wish I could be this young and retarded again

I'm married to a girl who only ever fucked me and she's still crazy. They're all crazy. Stop giving advice.

Funny, Smart, Charisma, Money, Height, Muscles

you only need three

The thing I hate about the "just be confident" meme is that there's never instruction in *how* to be confident. Like no shit, I wanna not hate myself, but I'm 5'6", thinning hair, and hate everything about me. But somehow I'm supposed to just be cool with that and ask out the cute barista or some shit.

>there's never instruction in *how* to be confident.
just b urself man

>you only need three

And one of them has to be height.

You said it man, just be cool w/ it. After you're done being a self-loathing bitch, say the exact opposite. Look in the mirror and say that shit.
Or better your life until you don't even have time for bad thoughts bc you're too busy pursuing goals..

Easier said than done, obvi, but the hardest part is starting.

Point out your problems that are plaguing you, hell even write them out. Then go through them and stop looking at them as anchors and think of ways that they can motivate you to be better.

Thinning hair: Go bald or buzz it short. It's easier, and one less thing you have to constantly worry about.

Short: You're really going to let the "advice of 14-18 yr olds" dictate how you perceive yourself?


This is the type of detached advice you'll get from people who have never faced a moment of adversity in their entire lives.


I'm old are you?

Oldfag here. I'm 5'7. I've slept with a lot of women (120+) but I've also gone through long dry spells. I've noticed it's easiest when you get to know someone like at work or school as opposed to picking them up in public. Having said that, if you aren't reasonably attractive or have a good personality you're fucked.

No, you WANT to hate yourself. You love being miserable. Not being confident because you don't have the "how to" is just a rationalization.

You can't explain the mechanics of being confident to someone and expect them to be confident just from that. You have to put them in situations that let confidence naturally arise within themselves. Then when they know what confidence feels like they can start putting themselves in more situations that bring it out causing an upward spiral. Then they become more familiar with what makes them confident and are able to strive towards it on their own.

It's like if someone who didn't know how to laugh asked "Tell me how to fucking laugh, why is everyone just fucking saying 'just laugh bro, let loose man'. That doesn't tell me anything!"

You can explain the mechanics of what happens when you laugh to him all you want. That's not gonna get him to laugh. He's stuck too far up his own ass. He'll look for any excuse not to laugh. But deep down he just doesn't want to. Whether because of fear or something else, doesn't matter. Only when he gets out of his own way, lets loose, and find himself in a humorous situation will he ever laugh.

So what are you waiting for? Permission to be confident? A set of instructions?

There are none. Thats for you to figure out. You have no choice but to do this on your own. And if you want to stay miserable that is ALL on you.

Oh, and one more thing. Don't listen to self defeating faggots like this.

It's the crab bucket mentality. Just focus on your own fight, let the others live with their rationalizations and excuses.

>people who have never faced a moment of adversity in their entire lives.
>wahhhh im short and balding

some people really do deserve their misery

>Tfw got 4

>thinking reality is reflective of memes on internet boards.

Let me guess...
You're terrible at managing your time.
You can't remember shit.
You don't have many friends, or they don't really hit you up much to hang out.
You have/had poor school/work performance.

I already know you can't do things independently, since you're on Veeky Forums in the hopes that someone will tell you exactly how to obtain confidence.

Everything I listed above is associated with your executive functioning skill. Nobody is born with it, but it's one of the main determinant factors of success & well-being.

Confidence is the action of choosing the most appropriate decision to every event in which the outcome you have some form of control over.

Ask yourself these questions:
"Do I know where my money is going every month?"

"Have I created a budget in order for me to gain control over my finances and spending habits?"

"Why don't I have a physical calendar & journal? I should know that mnemonic devices are one of the greatest tools for memorization."

"Am I overweight, and do I get 30 minutes of cardio per day?"

"Why don't I weigh myself every morning & keep a log of it? I should know that people who weigh themselves every day are 30% more likely to achieve a healthier weight."

"Do I love the current situation I am in? If the answer is no, then why haven't I created a logical analysis detailing where I will be five years from now if I go down the path I've been following, and then compare it to another five year analysis based off of where I would want myself to be?"

"If I have free time outside of school/work, then why do I spend it browsing Veeky Forums instead of building a resume & helping make meaningful connections in my area through community service?"

Get control over yourself, and confidence will follow.

Lots of non-arguments here, little dudes. The fact remains: women do not want manlets even if they are short. The reason is they have fucked tall guys and they instinctively want to get a superior tall man to father their children.

If you do not get one that is young and in mint condition: you're just fucked. You will never have a good marriage in your life.
You probably have some fantasy where you meet a certain standard of Veeky Forumsness and Veeky Forumsness and become a young Nick Wooster and slay pussy and fuck giantess women all over the shop. You probably don't even think about marriage, that's for older men to think about.
Well I'm here to tell you that if you start looking for some 33 year old woman when you are 35: you will have ruined your life. wives

Are you a rich and famous jockey, then?

Oh wait, so now there's conditions to your claim that women only instinctively want to marry tall men and rich & famous jockeys?

Why do you waste your time posting garbage that's only meant to down a person for something they cannot help? I know posting this only fuels your psychological disorder, but please get off of Veeky Forums and get some help.

>that's only meant to down a person for something they cannot help?

Listen to me. I'm giving you the best advice anyone will give you in your entire life: marry early.

Haven't you ever heard of an "Alpha Widow?" All of that goes doubly for you because women are so wired to go for height.
I think there was even some study suggesting inches of height are worth hundreds of thousands of dollars of salary.

Find a woman approximately 4.5 inches shorter than you and marry her.
Do not try to play the field or keep your options open until you are 35, or something, like some normie.
That shit doesn't even work for most tall men: divorce is rampant because of people living that way.

>Veeky Forumsggot
go figure

you should get off the internet more and im being 100 % and im not saying this in an insulting way.
its getting in your head

not the guy you're responding to but fuck off. only shit is coming out of your mouth

>community service
Working for free makes you a literal cuckold, inb4 moralfags dispute this.

lol, when will manlets learn
>6'2 white blue eyes
>attractive women go out of their way to talk to me and get my attention
>20 yo
>Lost count of how many women I slept with after 20
>Not even in my final form yet
Just keep working out small guy.

No troll just facts, hope you feel better loser.

Not an argument, short stuff. I hope you enjoy remembering the hedonism of your teens and 20s when you are 38 and living in a shoe box apartment paying child support to your wife who teaches your kids to hate you and fucks a degenerate in your bed that is emotionally and maybe physically abusive to your kids.

I think 165cm is getting close to being uneffay but still easily doable irl. Make sure you stay lean but still fit. Kendrick is fucking 165 and nigga is fresh as fuck.

What makes you a literal cuckhold is wasting your time doing nothing but jacking it to traps & posting shit like this for hours per day.

My position on committing to a community service isn't solely a moral one. You'll benefit more from it psychologically & career-wise from donating as little as four hours per week. If you aren't doing any extracurriculars in college, then you should without a doubt commit to at least some sort of community service to put on your resume. Companies are looking for well-rounded individuals--not autistic robots who can't conversate and are only good at doing school work.

I have a feeling that you're the type of guy that flexes his muscle in the mirror naked for an hour per day.

Most women will never prioritize a man's height over success. I'm sure your city has some local business owners who are short as fuck, and I bet a good majority of them are married to dime pieces too.

You shouldn't be promoting short men who have low sense of self to marry early. You're just setting them up for divorce, and you probably hope that you'll stress them out so much that they go bald.

Not to mention how anything other than a prenup sets the guy up to lose half of the shit he's ever worked for in his life, and it can all happen by committing the slightest fuck up.

I really suggest everyone here read The Rational Male. You're going to need it.