How does Bones manage to be so skinny

How does Bones manage to be so skinny

It must be drugs

He's literally perf


What do you think how much does he weight

>those thighs

disgusting skinny fat, i can confirm because my thighs do the same thing

He's very skinny actually, one of the skinniest people I've ever seen

fair enough, i'm guessing he doens't work out at all and his thighs are just a little fatty especially in comparison to the rest of his body

shouldn't this be in thinspo?

guess dats y they call him BONES XD

He was poor as shit growing up and malnourished, I'm the same way. I hate it honestly i wanna b ottermode

there's nothing attractive about being skinny

i'm 6 ft and 130 lbs, i look disgusting and no girl wants to fuck this body

Are you one of those skinny fucks with a massive cock?

not massive, but slightly above average

yo i'm 6 ft, about 115 pounds and plenty girls wanna fuck me

it's probably something else man

Average among white college students is around 6.5"

tfw 5'8 98 pounds

>tfw 6 foot, 110 pounds

>How does Bones manage to be so skinny?

D O N ' T E A T

150lbs is ideal for a 6'0 man. thin but not sickly, and capable of putting on muscle.


>150lbs is ideal for a 6'0 man. thin but not sickly, and capable of putting on muscle.


you won't be able to lift anything as a 150lb 6'0 'man' so good luck 'putting on muscle'

That's about where I wanted to cut down to to begin a bulk.
I think I need to be about 154 if I wanted to wear a 32 inch waist again.


if you say so fatty

Guys a vegan, and eats kale and chlorella

Of course he gonna be fit

Nigga, I'm 6' and 152 and look fat as shit what are you talking about


he doesnt have fat thighs you autistic retard.

there's a difference between 6' 150 at ~10% bf and being a skinny fat c uck