Even if his music is trash, is he the most effay rapper ever ?

even if his music is trash, is he the most effay rapper ever ? youtube.com/watch?v=3hlSgENWCcU

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asap rocky is the most effay rapper by far have you seeen his rick fits

the most effay rapper is Mick Jenkins

not even close retard

Kanye no doubt

Most effay is Cartier

russian streetwear is old news, grandpa


I don't like lil peep but holy shit he is EFFAY AS FUCK


he dresses like an 8 year old, which looted the box for lost clothes in a middle school in the mid 2000s

>Thin beard
>Shitty hair
>Bitch shoulders
>Faggy tattoos
>A fucking nose ring
>Gross long finger nails

Yeah man this fag is so effay

All of you leave my board
Rap music is completely uneffay
I think you guys would fit in better
over at reddit

you guys i kind of like his music

Get out

his music is better than his fashion desu

Kiss is unironically a brilliant song

is flexinfab effay


is he the only rapper you've ever seen or something

he wears a lot of logos which is pretty stupid. same with asap rocky
this, kanye is one of the few who attempts to dress tastefully without gauche branding all over

i think he meant jazz cartier

no rappers are fa only architects

when will this degeneracy trend end?

only right answer


oh and ecco

they look dope here youtube.com/watch?v=fvOM21uDYEc

He is trending now ? Man, i've known about him since long time ago, from that vaporwave youtube channel. Back when he was still kind of vaporwave. Guess i'm the first to find out about him then. Man, you don't know how it gives meaning to my life, knowing that i was first in knowing what attractive people is currently into.

I spend too much time on the internet, that's probably why.

i jammed that song back then too
always thought it was a bones copy but it blew up more than bones

This was the song. And it's still the only song by Lil Peep that i can tolerate. I'm not really into whiteboy nu-rap thing.

yup that was it, i think he's garbage but
i just like how whiny his music is desusenpai. i listen to him sometimes youtube.com/watch?v=xEZk8mQc7LI

lil peep is literal garbage and smells like piss

who keeps making these threads? only good rappers are GTB.

how do I become a meme-tier rapper
like how do I market and promote myself
I know nothing and don't care about rap by the way

>I know nothing and don't care about rap by the way
now u need money and some promoters

>literal garbage
>smells like piss

Nothing more "reddit" than complaining about the dominant musical genre of the current generation

>not Rocky
He just released this when you posted this thread btw



>there are people that will take Veeky Forums seriously even after threads like these