What are some things to do to cover your hair after shaving it all off? I've always had long hair...

What are some things to do to cover your hair after shaving it all off? I've always had long hair, decided on a whim to shave it and realized I look weird as fuck. I've just been wearing a plain black baseball cap but it doesn't work with every fit, and most beanies don't seem to fit right on my small head.

What do you want, a list of the kinds of hats that there are?

Post it. It can't be that bad. I always rock shave

i also fell for buzzcut meme op... totally not worth it

would love to have long hair again but i dont want get through mommy boy hair phrase again ;_;

in roughly 545~ days it'll be back user

dumb bitch do undercut then grow it out. simple as that

Perhaps if you post a pic we may tell you what goes well with your head shape



My face isn't as fat as it looks in this pic, i don't think

how do you lose weight in the face while trying to gain weight on your body ?

buzz always looks good. its just you who thinks it looks bad cause you arent used to it.

Looks great

I've had long hair for pretty much my entire life, and I buzzed it on a whim about a month ago. It was the best decision that I've ever made. I get non-stop attention from women whenever I leave my house now.

you have the perfect head for a buzz dude what the hell?

Looks great dude.

You are probably just not used to how that cut looks on you. Give it some time.

it looks ok you faggot, stop being so insecure.

Buzz is alpha af

buy this and drown in bitches

Just own it.
I used to have longish hair all the time then decided to just shave it off 0 all the time, at first everyone said it looked odd, I thought it looked shit... years later now it's natural and when I grow hair people are weirded out by it.
Once you change something drastically at first it's always gonna be a shock to the system... just stick with it and once you get used to it, it'll be natural.


what is this 2012?, you'd still drown in bitches though cause they dont know any better