How can I come to terms with my hideous, miserable, balding head...

How can I come to terms with my hideous, miserable, balding head? I feel sick to my stomach every time I see my reflection on a window, and every treatment out there is tedious and gets mediocre results. Do girls actually care about hair? Will shaving my head change my mindset about the whole thing?

Bro, if you're not new here you should by now that the only way you're going to salvage your looks is by shaving it or by being a man and wear it with confidence. Your choice.
My advice, shave it. It makes you appear taller and more confident.

Shave and get in shape bro

Shave it.
I can almost guarantee if you're balding now that it'd look better if you just shaved it and got used to it than it would if you keep on pretending to have hair, trying to cover it up.
It'd look more clean, and your self confidence would adjust.
Give it a chance atleast. The hair you currently have will grow out if you don't like it.

go full split mode

28 yrs old here and not balding hahahaahahaha

Not much you can really do about it, so yeah just keep it buzzed/clean and don't worry about it.

You might as well start with minox and give fin a try. If you have money, transplants are always an option, but for most guys it's just gonna be more practical to buy some clippers.

Mine started thinning at like 21, sucks, but at least I'm not a manlet I guess.

Finasteride actually works to prevent further loss; I can speak from experience. Propecia is ridiculously expensive but generic Proscar tablets split in fourths are dirt cheap and a GP is not going to have any reservations prescribing it.

>GP is not going to have any reservations prescribing it.

Wonder why

This thread needs to be shut down for hate speech.

A 400-day dose costs 50 euros. Shlomo is not making huge bank on it.

>Shlomo is not making huge bank on it.
Bankrupting your enemy is but one part of defeating and humiliating him.

>shave head
>grow beard
It's litteraly the only way to look good when you're balding.

Yeah but it's making you impotent

>le fin impotency meme

Literally less than 5% of men experience any side effects, the dosage is so fucking small you have to be a bitchcuck from the start to end up impotent from it.

Also you can just stop using it if you think it's making your dick not work.

>b-but MUH JOOS
Back to /pol/ mein freund

t. used fin for 6 months and it didn't do anything good or bad for me

take finasteride and put minoxidil on ur head and use a ketoconazol shampoo

i've been on it for like 7 months. my hair has completely stopped falling out and is regrowing

my only regret is that i didn't start this sooner

Shave it. Don't be like me. I'm gonna do a cycle of roids to age my face and thicken my facia hair. Also get yoked in the process.

wat do when widow's peak and only the peak is thinning? Hair only grows a few cm at the crest, the rest still grows normally. I like to have bangs, but they're starting to look a little funny.

>Literally less than 5% of men experience any side effects
one in twenty is a fucking ton

I'l put it this way, you have a 95% chance that you wont experience any side effects

haha fag

>oy good goy, take pills mentally ill trannies take instead of accepting the fact that youre balding like 95% of the human male population.

>grow beard
>tfw can't even do that
I went for Flatlander-core instead, thank god for decent facial structure

Buzz, shave, short fade
Work out

Im 21 and starting to go bald pretty fast. Balding is not in my family, my grandad is 74 and still has a full head of grey hair, my mum and dad didn't start loosing hair till there late 40s. My hair currently goes half way down my back and majority of is coming out from my crown and the front and bottom of my head. Its still not to bad but in a year or two it will be really bad if it stays like this. I am getting 3-5 hairs out every time I run my hands through my hair. I've started drinking more water and trying to eat more balanced, i've also slowly started to cut down on nicotine and weed. What should I be doing to stop my hair from falling, Ive noticed hair growing back but that also starts to fall out every time I shower. At least a year ago my hair, you couldn't run a bush through it but now its just really thin. I can't figure out whats making them fall so rapidly, not even male pattern baldness is this fast and all the other men in my family have insanely thick hair


Do you find it easier to explain away everything in life as being part of a grand, overarching, impossibly large, incredibly complex, diabolical conspiracy, that permeates every layer of society from movies to hair loss pills, all orchestrated by "the jews"? Do you find that easier to believe instead of accepting life for what it is? Occam's razor says that the simplest explanation is usually the correct one. Here, the simplest explanation is that 5% of men who take these pills experience side effects. There is nothing more to it than that.

In other words, do you seriously believe jews are "behind" prescribing hair loss prevention pills in order to make people impotent? Keep in mind that it's only 5% of people who take the pills. And that's assuming that all 5% of those who experience side effects experience the impotency side effect, and not any of the other side effects. If you uinronically believe that, that is absolutely fucking baffling.


try premature balding, cant grow beard and have shit round head

Ello jude

If you can grow facial hair grow some and then just save it, no point in holding on to that because people will click on to it.

go straight up bald, and if that doesn't work, grow a full beard

Unless you have a really pretty face no matter what you do, balds will never be effay.

Travel to Turkey and get a hair transplant, its the most advance and cheap country right now to do it. You'll need more than 1 session with that bald head.

Transplants are a bad idea, even in a country as cheap as Turkey because you're constantly gonna be going in for more. Say you're NW3, and get a transplant to perfect hairline. You've still gotta go in once you start losing all your other hair at the crown. It'll become insanely expensive quick, or you'll just look weird with the front intact and a horseshoe, but nothing else.

How do i fix this hair? I dont want to shave, i want to wear it with confidence and not hide the fact that my hairline is receiding. I just need an easy, low maintenance hairstyle that isn't too different from what i have now.

I Also have a short trimmed beard and i like nonchalant looks


Nope. 3 or 4 transplants at 4000 grafts each will cover the entire top of your head and give you hair like Elon musk. Would cost around $15k in total.

A fair bit of money but cheaper than a car and having a head full of hair> having a nice car.

better call saul lookin ass

suicide is the only dignified way

Two plans:
>cut it short as possible or bald and get muscular and grow beard
>buzz it really short and get skinny if your facial hair is light
I'm not balding but that's what looks good and that's what I would do

if you're balding, you either lift or remove yourself from the gene pool - those are the only two options, sorry

He's probably meming, but it's one of the most obnoxious memes