Smoking Weed=Effay?

We all read the shitty, "is smoking effay?" threads but what about weed? All the negatives about cigs are not present in smoking weed. You get the aesthetic of puffing on a cig but with a less harmful substance that actually has benefits to smoking it.

lol benefits ,makes you lazy, less confident and make worse decisions
this is coming from an everyday smoker

ehhh just depends person to person i guess. i feel relieved when smoking weed. clears my head,lets me think. I have never made any real dumb decisions while smoking, at most saying something kinda dumb but thats it.

Less harmful substance but still harmful since you're breathing in the other bits resulting from the chemical reaction of lighting the joint. Not to mention the "withdrawal" symptoms people might encounter. Some people get really irritable and moody when they don't have their weed. Not a legit withdrawal but it happens, and it's annoying to be around people who get like that and people who can't stop talking about weed.

just don't smoke it in public, thats nigger tier.

Smell is the worst though. I never understand it when people say they love the smell. I cannot stand it. I actually really wish I could even smoke it (in moderation) because of my mental health issues. I just cannot because of the smell and the taste, and it burns in my throat and I cannot even finish one without almost throwing up.

Pot heads are so uneffay though...just do real drugs or don't at all. Or even if you want to smoke pot...just please stfu about it

Not in the slightest. Weed is for high schoolers and pothead losers. If you really want to be effay pick up a crippling adderrall habit

i cant decide which of you is more retarded at this point

I have never met an effay person in my life who regularly smoked weed. They're all more likely to just smoke cigarettes. Also, you're retarded if you think that all of the negatives about cigs aren't present in smoking weed.

cigs are much worse just because of addiction. not to say you can't get addicted to weed but cigs are on another level

if you think smoking weed is Veeky Forums you are either a nigger or in middle school.

If it's a joint... maybe. Cigs r fa a f

Every stoner and most frequent users I've ever met are all hoodie and cargo short wearing, I'll shaven bums. I've smoked my fair share of weed and I outgrew it.

that's where you know you've got good shit

weed is so lame tbqh. only effay drugs are lsd, special k, coke, and heroin

no. i hate weed

so good
I hate the new commercials tho

smoking is fun.

it's not worth the money, in my opinion.

also, many weed smokers tend to be dickheads or ostentatious faggots

Weed culture is an oxymoron.
Most dope smokers are braindead after any length of time smoking this shit.
Yeah, Doritos and Oreos are your go to after that shit? Shit-tier losers smoking shit-tier middle school drug and leading shit-tier lives.
Remember: Garbage in = Garbage out.

Anything that has a negative impact on your health and/or shows a lack of willpower is automatically not effay.

nah bro, xans anytime

>Being this naïve

It's not a ability enhancing drug, apart from creatively. And the even though it enhances your creativity while high, it dampers your ability to think when you're not high.
I've seen so many people smoke their brains out on weed, and it's not a pretty sight. I wonder when this "Weed isn't harmfull" meme is going to die.

It has many of the same downsides (cancerous) and it also makes you stupid, lazy and unconcerned

Ket is not effay and even though I agree heroine is, I'm not fucking touching that shit