Why can't muslim pray in their native languages? Why are they restricted to arabic...

Why can't muslim pray in their native languages? Why are they restricted to arabic? Would more people join islam if there wasn't the requirement to pray in arabic?

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For a like time church-led prayer in Catholicism was done in Latin.

I imagine like in the Catholic church most non-Arab Muslims just pretend to know what they're on about when praying in the liturgical language.

Because if it did, they claims of universality would be true.

But Islam is an Arab supremacist religion.

Islam is concerned with corruption of its beliefs by way of mistranslation. To prevent this, the (purportedly) same words that Muhammad received and transmitted are to be used when the Koran is recited

A big part of their theology is that God has delivered the same message before but it has been corrupted over time. This is his final attempt, so in order to clear up any confusion the TRUE version will only ever be in Arabic.

>it has been corrupted over time
I kek everytime.

Every time a Christian posts that image it proves Christians are liars.

If claiming a credit card sized fragment with a couple of sentences of the Gospel of John on it is a "copy of the New Testament" isn't bearing false witness then I don't know what is.

The Gospels' greek texts are actually the Apostles' translations of their own original aramaic writings which are now lost. Nothing's been "corrupted" my sad muslim friend.

Telling more lies isn't going to help.

because the meaning is lost in translation.
You have to learn the entire prayer by heart. It's not that hard

While that image is certainly misleading, it isn't total untruth. The New Testament is fairly well attested for, all things considered. The bible didn't have the benefits that come with conquering land and amassing wealth like the Quran did.

Islam is worried about mistranslation of the Quran.

If you look into each (non-Arabic) copy of the Quran, they always contain something like this line "If there are any problems with this translation, consult the Arabic one."

>own original aramaic writings
Gospels were originally written in Greek, not Aramaic.

>the meaning is lost in translation.
What a dumb statement.

arabic words mean like 10 different things each.
english is relatively simply compared to that. That's why it sucks.

To an honest person a lie is a lie.

That's like saying you ran the marathon in a world record time and then when it turns out you were lying saying "it's not a total untruth, I ran it quite fast for a fat person."

>written in Greece translated through Aramaic

Because Islam is a cult, not a religion

Lol, no, no they were not

>Why can't muslim pray in their native languages?
They technically do. The part that's in Arabic isn't really prayer but a ritual where they recite verses and go through approved motions. Right after that however is the actual prayer where they ask for blessings and the like for their specific concerns and issues in their native language.

>A big part of their theology is that God has delivered the same message before but it has been corrupted over time.

It's really not, as in, this idea doesn't turn up until centuries after the Quran was written down, and only gained some notoriety in the last century

Same thing.

To a retarded nuance doesn't exist.
You must be retarded.

Fuck off, "nuance" is not an excuse for lying,

Based Atatürk forced all prayers to be in Turkish in Turkey until American supported Adnan Menderes religious shill became president in 1950.

turks aren't muslims

>Would more people join Islam if...
It's already the largest religion (get rid of this Christianity is the largest religion meme already)

Plus it's the fastest growing in terms of conversion by westerners.

But user that's a retarded thing to say?

Kys please and do the world a favor.

Christianity has nearly twice as many "adherents" and that is an undeniable fact.
Islam is the fastest growing because of birth rates and westners are likely turning to atheism and agnosticism in far larger numbers than to a backwards religion stuck in the 1600's.


I'll forgive you for this.

I would be upset if I had made transparent lies and the entire thread had seen me called out for it.

Have they ever considered that Islam might be a corruption too?

a corruption of what?

Of God's word. If they imply that other religions might have corrupted God's message, what exempts them from the same mistake?

there's plenty of evidence to show christianity used to be different in the beginning and then later changed and these days it's barely different from atheism. Islam tries to hang on to what christianity used to teach.

Last i checked current muslims cant even agree what the right original path is and are arguing it with guns. Basically the same corrupt crap as all the others from what i can see.

the book is the same though.

If that had any meaning then they wouldnt be arguing in the first place.

the arabic word for sword was not found in the quran
meanwhile the bible contains the word sword 200 times

I take this as a compliment.

Because Islam is a lie. If anyone can read it then they'll see this. If anyone reads the native language they will see this.

the only lie is christianity.

That would also make Islam a lie

christianity used to be truth but it was changed. Islam is based on that truth

So how do you explain all the native speaking arabs who still buy into it, jackass?

The truth doesn't change

They don't buy into it. It just an excuse to sin and do horrible things.

It's a Sunni invention to promote Arabic. It has no basis in Islam.

The language doesn't matter, it's Arabic because it is Arabic.What matters is if you believe.
>[41:44] If we made it a non-Arabic Quran they would have said, "Why did it come down in that language?" Whether it is Arabic or non-Arabic, say, "For those who believe, it is a guide and healing. As for those who disbelieve, they will be deaf and blind to it, as if they are being addressed from faraway."

Ethno chauvanism
Its Arab supremacism

Modern mainstream Islam is more like an Arab cult with arab traditions injected into the religion via hadith mainly. The Qur'an contains a message very different from what most "Muslims" practice. What's more, the Qur'an itself says many times that it is complete and no other texts are warranted.

Also, modern Arabic is VERY different from the Arabic spoken in Muhammad's time. Ever try to read Canterbury Tales in the original Middle English? Not even old English, middle English spoken in the 1300s is almost unintelligible to a modern English speaker. Word meanings in ancient times probably don't mean the same thing now.

Just like when most of Europe was Catholic, and everything was strictly Latin.

Then the vernacular reforms arrived during the reformation and it all changed.

Islam is still in the pre-reformation stage.

I agree with your first part but your second part isn't true. Arabic has changed much less from classical Arabic than English has. Classical Quranic Arabic is more akin to Shakespear to English now than to Chaucer. It probably is due to the Quran that Arabic didn't change as much.

Because Islam is a religion solely for Arabs, it wasn't even meant for foreigners. It was only like a century later when people began converting en-masse in order to win benefits from their Arab masters that the theology had to change its view.

I know, christianity has changed their rules by every later version of the bible.

>Implying hadiths arent more important to sunnis than the quran

You just went heretic.

>later version of the bible

>Islam is still in the pre-reformation stage.
Islam had it's reformation. Wahhabism/Salafism/Saudi-Corporatism is the product.

Except Catholicism never preached Latin superiority. Also Latin for the average European is/was not as hard as you think to get a grasp of, especially when it comes to prayers that are often used (Pater Noster, Ave Maria, etc...)

Also the Church used to have Greek as its liturgical language.

In modern times Latin is seen as a purer (not superior) language because it has been kept around solely for the purpose of liturgy, prayer and so on.

This user got it, I would also say Judaism has become a Jewish supremacist religion.

You have no idea of what you're talking about.

Just look at the cluster fuck that Christianity (aka gentilism) has become with the translations of scripture into various languages. Muslims and Jews at least have a single authoritative text they can go back to while with Christians it's a chaotic fight between the authenticity of biblical texts.
Catholics with their Vulgate
Critical vs majority text
Assyrians with their Peshitta primacy
KJO's thinking the bible was written in English
Apocrypha or no apocrypha

Islam doesn't preach Arab superiority, it's inherently universalist.

Christianity is like a diversified portfolio of faith.

Islam is like investing all your faith in Exxon-Mohammed.

Because Allah understands only Muslimic

I dunno it's said to trace back to the Khawarij who came into existence pretty early in Islamic history.

The book itself mentions how Abraham got direct revelation from God and the Jews and Christians misinterpreted it.

Look. If you were really wanted to follow a religion with all your heart, you'd spend the goddamned time to learn the language your holy scripture was written in.

Its just not Muslim, but Jews teach their children in Hebrew school to learn the language of their holy book because if you translate you rely on men who may or may not be biased and not be able to translate the holy book correctly.

Which is why Protestantism is flawed. They thought they could bring religion to more people if they translated the Bible into vernacular without considering the problem with language translation.

To be fair, the Catholic church gave up on Greek and Latin and figure the only way to keep people's attention in Church was to go vernacular.

What this means is most Christians are lazy and won't spend the time to learn their holy book in the language it was written unlike both Judaism and Islam which basically feel that the original language is the pure language.

If you were a deity and wanted people to follow your religion, why wouldn't you provide your own translations?

Will islam ever get a protestant reformation?

Because allah only understands one language

Because apparently the holy spirit speaks to each and every person, personally. If you happen to disagree with a christian here, more often than not they'll tell you that you aren't listening to the holy spirit.

But why do I even have the agency to ignore the holy spirit if it's so god-damned important?

>trying to understand the thinking of religious people
Not even once.

My worldly values compel me!

(or that may just be the spirit, udunnonuffin)


You see this is why it's handy to have an institution that's been around since the dawn of the religion, and has unique authority to interpret its holy books. Now you see how useful it is to have something like the Church around.

If Quran is in English it would enable the average laymen to recognize how Islam and Christianity holy texts really aren't that different.

The mass not the prayer.

Except for the cutting off of fingernails of unbelievers in Quran

Words having a lot of meanings is pretty universal among natural languages; look at words like "set" or "run" in English.

Even so, even if only 1/100th of them are actually full copies that plus all the fragments is still a lot.

Written Arabic is basically the same language, but spoken Arabic has splintered into many different languages, about as different as the Romance languages from each other.

No but the priest leads mass in prayer and prior to Vatican II those prayers were in Latin.

Likewise I'm sure at home Muslims pray in whatever language they feel like but the Imam will still lead the congregation in Arabic prayer.