That guy that tries to pull off all black even though he is under 6'3"

>that guy that tries to pull off all black even though he is under 6'3"

this is you

Why are manlets so spiteful?


That pic isn't you because he's outside

Seriously though I can't believe manlets do this. Seriously if you wear all black and are short you should consider killing yourself. Seriously this makes me so gosh darn angry.


Its almost as bad as those manlets that either workout or wear supreme to get attention


Veeky Forums is cringey as fuck i'm just here to shitpost lol xD

Why do you let the way other people dress upset you so? Get a grip dude

That guy is me, but I've pulling it off since you were still suckling your mother's teat, so you can fuck right off.

god this thread is so pathetic

did a chad dressed in all black cuck you or something? Why are you so bitter lol

when youre 6"3 on the dot FeelsGoodMan

since when is being a certain height a requirement to wear a specific color scheme?

you're a retard lmao.

besides, if you wear all black, you're a complete faggot to begin with.

>that guy who cares a lot about fashion and being "effay" with "sick fits" but is shorter than 6'2

So what's height got to do with dressing all black? Is it that, if you're a manlet, you have to dress well in order to compensate and as a tall guy you don't have to give a fuck cuz you're already master race?


>that garden variety narcissist who is senselessly opining on Veeky Forums again

t. king of manlets

>aspergers/NPD comorbid

>hasnt been on Veeky Forums for more then a week

I take breaks sometimes. Pic related. It's an entire pig in shrink wrap.

>So what's height got to do with dressing all black?

Wearing all black is supposed to say "I don't care if you don't notice me." It exudes arrogance and confidence simultaneously.

If you're under 6'3", its like, nobody is gonna notice you either way, so you just look retarded.

t. Millennial pink fashion victim

so what is the point to wear anything then?

Honestly if you are under 6 foot what is the point in doing anything? Like come on

>lankets call manlets insecure while making multiple threads about them per day

These are just shitposts that get endless responses so of course people are going to keep posting them

When I wear all black people think im a serial killer
6'5 lanklet btw

>it's another 6ft and insecure thread
Must be the reason why manlets steal your gfs

who cares this much about what other people wear

Keep telling yourself that.

Keep being insecure kiddo

5'10 manlet here. i'm wearing all black right now. how does it make you feel?


desu wearing all black kind of seems like a cry for attention.....

Very insecure and angry

I don't understand what's wrong with a 5'4 boy wearing all black


>wearing all black
Unless its dress code or something you come off as an edgy little homo, edgy homos are not effay

>everyone taking the bait

Black is also a good color for people who don't actually give a shit. It just depends on the person, because it can either be try-hard or it can be not-fucking-trying at-all.

Asians do it all the time and it looks good.

>saw a dyel lanklet wearing all black yesterday at mall
>realize its probably faggots like him behind these posts
>feel better

it must suck being shorter than all the women you meet