There is perhaps no greater contribution one could make to contain and perhaps even cure faith than removing the...

>There is perhaps no greater contribution one could make to contain and perhaps even cure faith than removing the exemption that prohibits classifying religious delusions as mental illness. The removal of religious exemptions from the DSM would enable academicians and clinicians to bring considerable resources to bear on the problem of treating faith, as well as on the ethical issues surrounding faith-based interventions. In the long term, once these treatments and this body of research is refined, results could then be used to inform public health policies designed to contain and ultimately eradicate faith.

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I wonder if he supports the re-inclusion of homosexuality, a condition that was removed due to social pressures and not scientific assessment.


This idiot doesn't understand psychiatry, psychology, mental illness, or religion.

Actually there has been a push in academic psychiatry in recent years to treat religious fanaticism as a mental illness. Rightfully so, for that is what it is.

When you have a set of beliefs that persist despite being totally dissociated from evidence that is the definition of insanity. If you have beliefs which cause you to ostracize groups of people for an arbitrary and undeserved reason, that is an anti-social personality trait.
If you have beliefs cause demonstrated harm to yourself or others, or otherwise holds back an accurate picture of reality, you have low insight, another symptom of mental illness

Theism is a mental illness.

>being irrational is a mental illness

You don't know dick about what you're talking about


Sam "Carpetbomb the Shitskins" Harris of all people should know that psychology is a joke and nobody takes mental disorder classifications seriously. In 10 years neither transgender nor autism will be considered as mental anything, just "being different".

Everything you just said applies more to atheists like you than most religious people.

No, the DSM doesn't work that way.
You don't base mental issues off a symptom, especially not "you are dead wrong on how shit works as a whole."

Atheism is spiritual death

Theism is delusion

>When you have a set of beliefs that persist despite being totally dissociated from evidence

>he believes an invisible sky daddy exists that no one can observe with any scientific tool/investigation

>he believes an invisible person exists that no one can observe with any scientific tool/investigation

The difference is that one is taught and the other develops through chemical imbalances in the brain.

Which means that one needs to be fixed with medication and the other is just somebody being an idiot.

Considering that we have no empirical way to prove or disprove the existence of a divine and omniscient being, there is no logical difference between believing or refusing to believe in a God.

>inb4 but muh burden of proof

I'll never understand how Veeky Forums became a warzone of christfaggots vs fedora tippers

How is this even board related?

There is no empirical way to prove or disprove an invisible pink unicorn that can't be observed. However believing that such beings exist would classify you as delusional or retarded.

If any semblance of action and thought runs on logic, this would not be a logical set of belief to have.

No need for proof or disprove when the assumption or the belief is absurd. You can apply this argument to every crazy/imaginable creature/object and anyone would see how retarded this is.

Oh yeah? how many witches have atheists burned?

The same could be said of many schizoid fantasies. I guess the only thing you can do is measure their effect.

If a schizoid man can live a normal life it's fine but if a religious person is fucking themself up because of their unverifiable thing shouldn't they be treated as dangerous?

Spill over from /pol/. We were worried sicne day 1 this would be /pol/ with dates. Since religion is a key part of the humanities there isn't much way to police it.

No stupid, it is you who don't know what you're talking about.

Humanities board.
Religion is humanities, so is non-religion.
Veeky Forums and the internet in general are moving at a much rate towards an atheist majority.
Most users on Veeky Forums are from the US.
Christianity is the main religion in the US.
Thus, Christians vs Atheists on Veeky Forums Veeky Forums religion threads.

Logic is pretty simple to follow.

That's in no way the same and you know it. We know about what creatures live on the earth and considering we've gone around a million and a half times and studied it fully we can conclude that mystical creatures don't exist. THEN skeptics can claim we have evidence to support their position, and it is at that point that someone is denying evidence when they believe it.

Now, until you provide evidence that says you've gone around the whole of reality and spotted no God, or concluded that the universe and God cannot both exist at the same time, then there is no difference.

Being transgendered (gender dysphoria) should be recognized as an illness and trans people need to start using to make their point instead of overreacting. The best and only known treatment for their illness is hormones and socialization as the gender they identify as.

Conservashits don't realize that they are capitulating the point when they call transgenderism an illness. All they are really saying is 'I believe people with one particular type of illness should be denied medically recognized treatment because I'm a bigoted, insecure asshole'.

>Sam "Carpetbomb the Shitskins" Harris

Harris isn't particularly pro-militarism, he just gets annoyed when regressives try and make out the USA is equivalent to ISIS.

You are thinking of Hitchens.

>Cluster bombs are perhaps not good in themselves, but when they are dropped on identifiable concentrations of Taliban troops, they do have a heartening effect


Its actually exactly the same. You're bit limited in thought, not as an insult to you, but your argument.

You believe your god is above the "creatures of earth/universe" but then don't apply the same attribute to the invisible pink unicorns or the countless other invisible/unobservable creatures/objects. What reason is this?

Using your same argument, we've observed creatures who lived on earth, we've gone around a million and half times and studied it fully and we can fully conclude that mystical creature like god don't exist.

I'm curious on WHY you do not categorize the mystical unobservable, unknowable god as a creature but then classify MY mystical unobservable, unknowable invisible pink unicorns/objects as creatures.

There is obviously a conscious wall that you do not wish to cross, maybe you wish to examine that belief?

>Harris isn't particularly pro-militarism, he just gets annoyed when regressives try and make out the USA is equivalent to ISIS.

I agree but what he doesn't realize is that he's generally arguing against a strawman. Most liberals are saying that the US foreign policy is not accidentally conducive to further violence and students, not preventative like we're being told. Liberals are pointing out that we aren't innocent didndus acting in self-defense not that we are literally exactly the same in every way.

>people complain about bombing Taliban

truly a sick culture we live in

On the topic of religion

when and how did the Islamic Golden Age end?
A lot of texts I've read made me infer that Al-Ghazali's anti-rationalism combined with the Mongol sacking of Baghdad were the coup the grĂ¢ce to Islamic intellectualism.

But what preceded this death? And is my conclusion valid?

>people complain about bombing Americans

Truely a sick culture we live in.

I'd complain about bombing Americans too.

Have you seen Americans? Get anywhere near them with a shovel and you'll be looking for your 72 virgins in no time.

>Veeky Forums and the internet in general are moving at a much rate towards an atheist majority.