Does this accurately represent the 20th century? Is there a way to quantify each point...

Does this accurately represent the 20th century? Is there a way to quantify each point? Is this still somewhat relevant today, or have topics shifted entirely to things such as isolationism vs globalism?

And yes, the quiz associated with this spectrum is 100% trash and you should feel bad if you managed to finish it without cringing.

>mutualism is right-wing
>anarchism is right-wing
the founder of anarchism's arguments against property were literally what inspired marx to be a socialist

>national socialism top left
>fascism top right
What the fuck


> two dimensions are enough to fully represent full nuances of political thought
Such a cancerous idea to be honest

lol so where does national syndicalism fall on that chart?

Nazis weren't national socialists.

Unless you don't believe in binary political roles and agree that they are natsocs if they believe they are xD

welcome to history.

>totalitarianism a small quadrant of spectrum
>doesn't make light for both right wing and left wing totalitarianism
>Capitalism, an economic system, is for some reason on a political spectrum

Who the fuck made this? This is literally the worst thing I've ever seen.

It is bullshit because ideas do not belong on a spectrum, no matter how many dimensions you add to it.
A genealogical tree would be a better representation, but the interactions between them would still be too complex to show.

Were the fuck is paleoconservatism?

Capitalism does have distinctions from other political systems that apply versions of it.

It's an economic system, not a political system. Political ideologies do utlitise, sure, but it's not a political ideology.

It has more fleshed out rules in regards to things than most of the listed political ideologies.

whoever made this is cancer

>anarchism is right wing
>'anarcho'-capitalism isn't called right libertarianism


>Nazis weren't national socialists.
Then why NSDAP meant "National Socialist German Workers Party"? Are trying to rewrite history?

>Authoritarian centre-right

So the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a democratic republic, and the
was holy, Roman and/or an empire too?

>Nationalism is exclusively right wing and autoritharian
>Totalitarianism is exclusively left wing
>Statism is exclusively left wing
>Progressivism is exclusively right wing
>Activism is an ideology
I can't fucking stand this retarded pic. The maker of it should kill himself and the idiots posting it sould join him.

two dimensions isn't enough to represent political ideology

This is the stupidest thing I've ever seen

Can we get a retarted "Political Spectrum" thread going?

t o p
k e k


Less horseshoe - more mobius strip.


>Private property
>Natural rights



Libertarians who use false equivalences to make their ideas seem more important and widespread than they actually are.


The right of Veeky Forums can't stand that you can be an adult and not agree with them because they believe they are holier than though

Political graphs are only good for giving the vaguest sense of who you are politically and most ideologies can fall on several parts of the spectrum.

> not posting the best one

Wake up.

If there was an ideology called Democratic People's Republicanism invented by the North Koreans to describe their system then they would be that, even if it wasn't democratic at all.

Likewise National Socialism was invented by the Nazis to describe their ideology, even though it isn't socialist at all.

>generally have moderate libertarian beliefs with some socialist and also some conservative stuff mixed in
>can't say I'm a libertarian because the libertarian parties around the world are full of loonies

oh well, I guess I'll sit here and laugh as the left and right continue to scream at each other