Help, guys. I live in Australia and it's getting into Summer and I don't know what to wear...

Help, guys. I live in Australia and it's getting into Summer and I don't know what to wear. I'm 6'1" and 55kg (122 lbs) so my legs look kinda ridiculous in most kinds of shorts, and it's far too hot here to consider wearing jeans/chinos.

Can anyone rec a cool summer aesthetic for dudes with chicken legs?

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nope, you're fucked

Just wear shorts you insecure faggot.

>I'm 6'1" and 55kg (122 lbs)

6'1" at 55kgs. Are you literally only bones?

>living in Australia and not wear shorts
Good luck champ

Linen pants, but agree with the other guy just cop shorts m8.

Light cotton pants are another option i guess

someone link me the video to this

either gain some weight (recommended, I'm the same height with almost 10 kg more and I'm still pretty skinny) and buy some shorts or stop giving a fuck and just buy shorts.

So is this guy actually famous where he's from or is he just a meme cuz he looks like an alien

Buy slim/skinny pants and cut them into shorts.

skinny dickies work well

You prob look ridiculous regardless so just wear shorts sounds like itd be 2 fkn hot brah

hit the gym and do some squats

lol rekt

>122 lbs
holy shit nigger you need a big mac and a gym membership, not new clothes
that's concentration camp jew status

I'm 6'1" and 75 kg.. and I'm skelly as fuck.
Ya need to eat user.
Besides that, I have some basic rvca shorts that look fine with skinny legs, maybe try them.

I'm 5'11 and 112 lbs

he has a few songs. peter la anguila

post pic of your body holy shit are you all bones

Recommend this.

Also can recommend just wearing pants. Shorts are for chumps. I once lived in Phoenix, AZ from July-October. Didn't wear shorts once outside of the house. Are you doing some kind of physical activity or something? Either way, you're gonna feel hot as balls.

i remember being down to 129 i am same height, i was really coked out though and never ate anything.

I'm an inch shorter than you and nearly 50% heavier what the fuck

linen pants meme