Tell me about the coup that threw this guy into exile

Tell me about the coup that threw this guy into exile.
He was universally liked and admired, even though he resented being emperor but it seems like no one really cares enough to do anything when the military took over. Why?

Well the fact that coup happened pretty quick was a big factor, the people didn't have a leader at the time who they could rally behind to protect the emperor and his family.
And there was also the factor that the Emperor was tired he had reigned for 49 years and he didn't had high hopes that his daughter princess Isabel was up to the task of being empress.

It actually seems somewhat irresponsible on his part to just leave considering the coup plunged Brazil into a long period of shittiness that it still hasn't recovered from.
But I can't say I really blame him, either. Pedro I leaving while he was kid and then the situation he took over from the regency as a young adult probably made him extremely bitter

>It actually seems somewhat irresponsible on his part to just leave considering the coup plunged Brazil into a long period of shittiness that it still hasn't recovered from.

But we can't apply our knowledge of the consequences to someone who didn't live them, afterall he died 2 years later after the military coup.

Oh true, I should have said with retrospect.
Does anyone know if he the guys that ousted him on an intimate level? Did he write anything about the coup?
Pedro II is extremely interesting to me but I know very little about him

From what we know he didn't wish them any harm, he actually wished the new government good fortune and for them to take care of Brazil the best they could.


is there any literature on this dude

How he can be kek he litteraly had guns pointed at his head and on the heads of all his family members?!

I would personally have wanted to rain down hellfire on them, that's why it's Kek to me

There is some yes

Barman, Roderick J. (1999). Citizen Emperor: Pedro II and the Making of Brazil, 1825–1891 (em inglês) (Stanford: Stanford University Press). ISBN 0-8047-3510-7.
Benevides, José Marijeso de Alencar (1979). D. Pedro II, patrono da astronomia brasileira (Fortaleza: Imprensa oficial do Ceará).
Besouchet, Lídia (1993). Pedro II e o Século XIX 2nd ed. (Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira). ISBN 85-209-0494-7.
Bethell, Leslie (1993). Brazil: Empire and Republic, 1822–1930 (em inglês) (Cambridge, Reino Unido: Cambridge University Press). ISBN 0-521-36293-8.
Bueno, Eduardo (2003). Brasil: uma História (São Paulo: Ática). ISBN 85-08-08952-X.
Calmon, Pedro (1975). História de D. Pedro II 1–5 (Rio de Janeiro: J. Olympio).
Calmon, Pedro (2002). História da Civilização Brasileira (Brasília: Senado Federal). OCLC 685131818.
Carvalho, José Murilo de (2007). D. Pedro II: ser ou não ser (São Paulo: Companhia das Letras). ISBN 978-85-359-0969-2.
Doratioto, Francisco (2002). Maldita Guerra: Nova história da Guerra do Paraguai (São Paulo: Companhia das Letras). ISBN 85-359-0224-4.
Ermakoff, George (2006). Rio de Janeiro – 1840–1900 – Uma crônica fotográfica (Rio de Janeiro: G. Ermakoff Casa Editorial). ISBN 85-98815-05-5.
Graham, Richard (1994). Patronage and Politics in Nineteenth-Century Brazil (em inglês) (Stanford: Stanford University Press). ISBN 0-8047-2336-2.
Gray, Charlotte (2006). Reluctant Genius: The Passionate Life and Inventive Mind of Alexander Graham Bell (em inglês) (Toronto: HarperCollins). ISBN 0-00-200676-6.
Levine, Robert M. (1999). The History of Brazil (em inglês) (Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press). ISBN 0-313-30390-8.
Lyra, Heitor (1977a). História de Dom Pedro II (1825–1891): Ascensão (1825–1870) 1 (Belo Horizonte: Itatiaia).
Lyra, Heitor (1977b). História de Dom Pedro II (1825–1891): Fastígio (1870–1880) 2 (Belo Horizonte: Itatiaia).

Thanks a lot user, I've got some reading to

Lyra, Heitor (1977c). História de Dom Pedro II (1825–1891): Declínio (1880–1891) 3 (Belo Horizonte: Itatiaia).
Martins, Luís (2008). O patriarca e o bacharel 2ª ed. (São Paulo: Alameda). ISBN 978-85-98325-68-2.
Mônaco Janotti, Maria de Lourdes (1986). Os Subversivos da República (São Paulo: Brasiliense). p. 276.
Munro, Dana Gardner (1942). The Latin American Republics: A History (em inglês) (Nova Iorque: D. Appleton).
Olivieri, Antonio Carlos (1999). Dom Pedro II, Imperador do Brasil (São Paulo: Callis). ISBN 85-86797-19-7.
Rodrigues, José Carlos (1863). Constituição política do Império do Brasil (Rio de Janeiro: Typographia Universal de Laemmert).
Salles, Ricardo (1996). Nostalgia Imperial (Rio de Janeiro: Topbooks). OCLC 36598004.
Sauer, Arthur (1889). Almanak Administrativo, Mercantil e Industrial (Rio de Janeiro: Laemmert & C.). OCLC 36598004.
Schwarcz, Lilia Moritz (1998). As Barbas do Imperador. D. Pedro II, um monarca nos trópicos 2ª ed. (São Paulo: Companhia das Letras). p. 623. ISBN 85-7164-837-9.
Skidmore, Thomas E. (2003). Uma História do Brasil (São Paulo: Paz e Terra). ISBN 85-219-0313-8.
Topik, Steven C. (2000). Trade and Gunboats: The United States and Brazil in the Age of Empire (em inglês) (Stanford: Stanford University Press). ISBN 0-8047-4018-6.
Vainfas, Ronaldo (2002). Dicionário do Brasil Imperial (Rio de Janeiro: Objetiva). ISBN 85-7302-441-0.
Vasquez, Pedro Karp (2003). O Brasil na fotografia oitocentista (São Paulo: Metalivros). ISBN 85-85371-49-8.
Viana, Hélio (1994). História do Brasil: período colonial, monarquia e república 15 ed. (São Paulo: Melhoramentos). ISBN 85-06-01999-0.

He said himself that his priorities were God the nation and his family.
Dom Pedro greatest fear was to have a civil war at the proportion of the one that happened in the US, so in order to to spare the nation a conflict of that scale he chose to abidicate.

Pretty noble, yes. Too bad he's largely unknown

Is there any movie or documentary about this guy? His life was very interesting.

I don't think you will find a documentary solely based on his life, you will find ones based on the empire of course.
There was a series that showed the history of Brazil from the discovery to the military regime, it was made with ventriloquism, there are some discrepancies with but it's good unfortunately is portuguese so far as I know.


Start by telling us WHO THE FUCK IS HE?

some guy from civ v

His theme song is the best.

What's so funny? You're a psycho, most people aren't.

Dom Pedro the second, second and last emperor of Brazil he reigned for 49.

Pedro II, emperor of Brazil. If I have to tell you (that's an easy image search, user) you probably aren't qualified to respond