What should we do to clear this board of fascist cuckoldry?

What should we do to clear this board of fascist cuckoldry?

Stop the fascists' wives from committing adultery. Pretty simple really.

Was fascism even a thing in 1835?
It wasn´t right?


just laugh

The earliest reports come from the 80's in France, so it isn't real.

Seeing as Sinclair Lewis wasn't even alive then I'm guessing either it's false or the person meant to say 1935.

No, but neither was Sinclair Lewis

Calling Palin a fascist is dumb regardless

Bring more monarchists

There's literally nothing more beta than monarchism

>implying that dirty commies are less cucked than fascists.

If I had to choose between Fascism and Communism, I would choose Fascism.

One and the same.

Everything leftists don't like is fascism.

I'm okay with this

>fascism and communism are the same
u fukin wot m8
>italian nazis

Far from one and the same.
At least fascists don't promote degeneracy.
That's not even mentioning how "communists" go against their own ideals.

Because your low self esteem makes you want to submit to an unnecessary authority?


"Francoism", Rexism, Falangism, "NacionaI" Socialism are all varieties of fascism.

This image was very clearly made by a butthurt fascist.

Communism is inherently forced because it is an internationalist ideology. Communism is worldwide, you can't escape it.
Fascism is nation by nation. I can leave if I don't like it.
The past "communist" nations would shoot you if you left. Fascist nations let you leave because they figured that if you didn't like it, you aren't doing anything to benefit society as a whole. Why should I have to submit to the whims of every other worker in my business? The only will that matters is my own.

Why is leftist the same? Same arguments in every debate.

Why is every leftist the same? *

>I can leave if I don't like it

Assuming you can afford it

And you're willing to leave everything behind

And assuming the fascist state doesn't live up to it's historical predecessors by mindlessly attacking everyone surrounding

You are totally detached from reality.

>you can always leave your workplace
>you can always leave the country

> Fascist nations let you leave

> The only will that matters is my own.
So why submit to your boss or the state?

At least you have the option.
Once again in communism, YOU CAN'T LEAVE.

The only one detached from reality is you. You are arguing for a failed ideology which has caused the deaths of many, large-scale poverty, and the failure of entire nations.

When did Karl Marx say
>btw when communism is achieved emigrating will be illegal

Oh boy, it's another extreme left vs extreme right circlejerk. /pol/ vs /leftypol/.

Why on earth do we have such people on this board if they're always going to deviate to politics instead of just history.

history and politics cant be separated
if this board was just history all threads would be
>thing happened

Well the important thing is you've found a way to feel superior to both.

In communism, you truly can't leave your workplace.
I live in the USA.
If I want, I could pack up and move across the country to search for higher pay in my current career choice.
In a leftist nation, the USSR, that wasn't an option. You could not pack up and move to Moscow for higher pay. It simply wasn't an option.

>At least you have the option

No, you didn't respond to anything in my post.

>You are arguing for a failed ideology

I didn't say type a single word about communism.

God damn this board is fucking nuts, get a grip man.

>I live in the USA.
That much was obvious.

>history and politics can't be separated
Yes they can, there's /pol/ and then there's Veeky Forums. Go to /pol/ if you want to have political discussions.

good but the USSR didn't achieve communism

National Socialism =/= Fascism

Ask anyone from the older generations that lived in Fascist Italy, or maybe Nationalist Spain. If they wanted, they could leave.

what if I want to have political discussions about history?

Germany let most of their Jews go to Poland

>everything I don't like is leftists

Exactly! Why not create your own business?
Why not live in Somalia?

Because selling your labor is a relatively easy way of getting currency. However, if I wanted I could create a business and get even more money.
Also, most nations do much better with a state. States have helped guide the masses to society advancement.

That's still /pol/ related.

have fun acknowledging that things happened or didn't happen and not doing anything else then

Yes it does.

>Ask anyone from the older generations that lived in Fascist Italy, or maybe Nationalist Spain. If they wanted, they could leave.
Unless you got murdered by the state beforehand.

On trains.
To the death camps they built in Poland.

Well desu user, I feel like shit which is why I wanted to intrude in this conversation.

So you don't really care about rugged individualism and not submitting to the whims of anyone else at all then.

Fascism is dead. Stay mad, cucks

Read my first post.
>you claim to be a communist
>you don't even know the basics of communist ideology

>Internationalism is an important component of socialist political theory, based on the principle that working-class people of all countries must unite across national boundaries and actively oppose nationalism and war in order to overthrow capitalism (see entry on proletarian internationalism). In this sense, the socialist understanding of internationalism is closely related to the concept of international solidarity.

Communists are extremely internationalist. Communism is an internationalist ideology, after all. In communist theory it must be implemented WORLDWIDE, which means there is NO WAY TO ESCAPE COMMUNISM.

I can't see how ANYONE can support such an ideology.

How come the Nazis didn't let their victims leave?

I did respond to your post
>"At least you have the option."
When you take the opposing side in a "Team 1 versus Team 2" sort of thread, like this one, then expect to be argued against, as you have portrayed yourself as being against whoever you are arguing with. (I'll admit, this thread is just asking for a largescale debate to occur),

Yes, but it can be seen throughout the entirety of the USSR, their goal was communism.
It is hard to get to communism (even though it is entirely not attainable) without that stepping stone. Sometimes the means of getting somewhere are not worth the result.

remove Bolshevik

all marxists should be boiled alive

Mock them for the cucks they are.

why just give up on something when one way of getting there didn't work?

>Yes it does.
Not an argument.
Mussolini didn't like Hitler.

>Unless you got murdered by the state beforehand.
Implying that is preposterous. People from Fascist Italy and Nationalist Spain are still alive.


> Mussolini didn't like Hitler.
But allied with him anyway! What a strong hate.

franco killed like 400,000 people you fucking knob
if I was there as an anarchist I'd surely be killed

I believe that a state can help the individual.
I am sick of people assuming that individualism can't exist with a state present.

>Marxist-Leninist state
>Marxist-Leninist state
>Marxist-Leninist state
>Marxist-Leninist state (not sure why they used the Russian tricolor)
>Marxist-Leninist state (at least formerly, I don't know what the fuck the Norks are doing now)
>Marxist-Leninist-Maoist state

I'm not really a Commie but the much mocked 'real communism has never been tried' does have some truth to it. Pretty much every socialist state ever has been based on the Soviet Marxist-Leninist model. There are a dozen other schools of socialist thought never once given any real chance to succeed or fail.

Please refer to my other post.
National Socialism =/= Fascism

Italy basically was communist after WW2, they formed their own stateless communes and lived pretty peacefully without masters.

America literally created the CIA to stop this, because "communism" in Italy was seen as a hoog threat.

Let's be honest here, "true" communism is pretty unviscious, and can't survive in a world where everyone has neighbors.

>fascist nations let you leave

Because the end result is not desirable in the first place.
Communism is entirely utopian and gets rid of the free-market.
Why would someone want an ideology which has caused mass death?
Even an arguably "true communist" place, Revolutionary Catalonia, killed off innocents such as priests.
Also, communism seeks to rid the world of religion. I am religious, so I don't want to see that world become a reality.

Why would we want to? The greatest part of Veeky Forums is it's ideological diversity. Herein lies a fervent subscriber to any and every political theory, and that's just plain beautiful.

He allied with him as a way to obtain territory which he deemed as "rightful Italian soil" because the Roman Empire had once conquered it.
I am assuming that you know that Fascist Italy was very "Roman Empire Revivalist" for a lack of a better term.

In Barcelona during the rising, there were fascist snipers in the churchtowers shooting at unarmed people, and high-up catholic officials would often hire gunmen to kill union workers.

>Even an arguably "true communist" place, Revolutionary Catalonia, killed off innocents such as priests.

>muh clergy

Why do people always whine about the priests and nuns killed in revolutions? The Catholic Church almost always backs the reactionary side. They're not 'innocents' they're often actively aiding the opposition.


The German looks more handsome than the Slav, that's all I'm saying.

For the same reason people whine about left-wing intellectuals killed by fascists.

Because there is a board to exclusively circle jerk over muh ideology. I for one like the occasional /pol/ thread but today's events seem to have made it unbearable.

>laugh at fascism u giuze!
>lol just like neville!
>LMAO hitler what is he doing?
>lol poor poland
you fucking retard

Defending state institutions that violently repress working people is the best way to look edgy and badass, which is the primary motivation of the /pol/-tard.

Marxism-Leninism has the clear goal of communism. It fails every time.
Anarchist Communism has been tried. It has failed every time.
The other communist ideology variants can't really be applied on a nation-by-nation basis, so unless the are instantly applied worldwide, they will never be given a chance to succeed or fail.

And everyone you don't agree with is a lefty/commie. Hopefully you can recognize this.

Veeky Forums is fucking pathetic

So you think those freedom-loving-poets just killed priests and nuns?

If you would read any of my other posts or maybe do one or two Google Searches, you can see that this is true.

Hope trolling. Hilarious either way tho

No but I was addressing the killing of priests and nuns in particular.

Simply because they were trying to quell a rebellion. Actions like this can be seen in every revolution or war. It is not uncommon.

You should stop trying to define fascists as people who don't feel sympathy for murderous ideologies.

I said "such as."
These two words almost always imply that the following word is merely an example. They killed many innocents that were not clergy.

No, they were the rebellion. It was a military coup trying to overthrow a democratically elected government.

Stalins policies directly CONTRADICT your opinions about what constitutes communism. I assume you won't try the 'not real communism' but that'd be funny coming from a fascist

Of course, that's deliberate. That's an effective tactic.

The defeat of the right began when William F. Buckley purged the John Birch Society. Their tactic of calling anyone to the left of Eisenhower a "communist" was time-tested and effective. The conservative movement traded that for "respectability". Instead it got itself purged from the media and academia unto ghettos while being called "fascists" by the left, who is not ashamed of using such tactics itself.

Also, this post, , has a bit of truth to it as well.

>repress the working class
I wouldn't say that giving the working class a safe and stable place to live is "repressive" or "violent."

This is not me trying to be "edgy" or "badass," I am simply trying to argue and opinion.

Oh, by the way, that was what we call an "ad hominem." You are supposed to debate against someone's argument, not attack their character.

This post, , also has truth to it.

Excuse me? Murder by Squadristi and the Fascist state was actually not that common, executions remained low, Squadristi generally beat you and humiliated you, but not kill

Dont worry right wing faggots always fail


What about Spain and Chile?

I love Franco and Pinochet, but they are not exactly examples of right-wing success. Their legacies are vilified in Spain and Chile by communist intellectuals, and the left is more powerful than the right in both countries.

Japan is the only country in the developed world where the right is more powerful than the left. All thanks to the actions of one man.

The right wing faggots failed

Japan has probably the strongest communist party of any first-world nation

Islam is only growing stronger tho

It depends wheter you consider the Czech Republic as part of the First World, but the Japanese Communist Party is a meme party. It's marginalization is actually proof of the weakness of the left in Japan, as they fulfill the role of perennial opposition just like the right-wing populist parties in Western Europe.

Political Islam is right-wing.

Yeah but Chile and Spain are places were commies got btfo and right wings won. Just stating a fallacy in what he said about right wingers always losing.

None of Japan's major parties want 'le multicultural open borders' meme that corporations have managed to sell the western left on so hard they now believe opposing it is racism.